Once A Cheater Always A Cheater - Part 9

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Hey :) Thanks to everyone who read up to the wedding day :) I hope I put enough twists in it for you, I tried to make it interesting as I could :) Without going over the top :) This Chapter is going to be about the different suspects, I'll let you think about it but you might be totally wrong :) Write a comment about who you think it is :)


This chapter is all about the three suspects and what they did after the shot and the next chapter will carry on about Nicky and Jamie again :) This is going to be a short Chapter :)


not been shot, I open my eyes to see that Nicky pushed me down and took the shot for me. I pick Nicky up, I look at her in fear. Everyone looks around for the killer. "SOMEONE HELP! QUICK!" I scream. Nicky's hot pink dress is almost all red now. Tears start running down my face. Nicky's friend starts phoning for an ambulance. I laid Nicky down and gently held her hand...


Sarah's P.O.V


I saw everyone looking around, I felt this heat and went back to the dressing room. I didn't know what to do with the gun, I tried hiding it but there was no where to put it . I put the gun back in the bag and tried to rush out but got stopped by Jason. I sighed, Jason grabbed me with a harsh grip "Destiny, now!". I looked at the floor "I don't have her, go get her from Maria". Jason replied with a smirk "How can you just stand here while someone got shot?"

I acted shocked "Someone got shot?", Jason replied "What, I saw you there?". Oh no he got me, I stuttered "O-oh, fine, I hate Nicky and can't stand that bitch". I murmured the rest under my breathe "Two faced bitch with her perfect life". Jason looked at me like I was crazy. I looked up "So what are you waiting for? Go get Destiny", Jason took my hand "Are you okay? Sure you don't want to come with us?". I actually thought about it, I smiled "Sure, we could go away like a family". Jason smiled.


Jason's P.O.V


I heard the gun shot, I watched Nicky jump in front of Jamie and got pissed off. I walked out of the ceremony hall and I saw Sarah. I gripped her wrist. "Destiny!, now!" I shouted. Sarah looked down "I don't have her, go get her from Maria" Sarah replied. I was shocked. I smiled "How can you stand here while someone got shot?". Sarah acted shocked "Someone got shot?!". I was so confused to why she was lying, I know I saw her when the shot got fired. I replied confused "What, I saw you there?".

She looked back at me "O-oh, fine, I hate Nicky can't stand that bitch" and she muttered to herself. Sarah looked at me "So what are you waiting for? Go get Destiny" and I actually felt something there for her. "Are you okay? Sure you don't want to come with us?" I said. Sarah smiled "Sure, we could go away like a family". I smiled. I grabbed Sarah and took her back to the hall. I went up to get Destiny, I took her off Maria. I told her the truth and she couldn't believe it. I took Sarah and Destiny into my car until I was stopped by Katie...


Katie's P.O.V


I saw Nicky get shot, I didn't know if I should go up to her. I got to Nicky. besides her other friend, I went down and looked at Nicky. I started crying, It was meant to be Jamie. I looked around and everyone was staring at Nicky. I cried "She doesn't deserve this!", the ambulance took Nicky off me. I sat there crying, It all just went wrong and Nicky got hurt. I walked out of the ceremony hall slowly, I saw Jason with Destiny. I smiled and ran following him to his car.

I saw Sarah in the car, I was freaked out and confused. I looked at Jason and banged on the car window, mouthing "Open the window!". Jason opened the window "What do you want?", I looked at him confused "You said.....why is she with you?". Jason smiled "We are going away together", I frowned "Oh, I thought you lo...have a good time". I turned around and tears ran down my cheeks. I walked away as fast as I could. I put the gun in my handbag and walked to the river to get rid of it...

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