9 : The Mixtape

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Y/N furrowed her eyebrow. She tilt her head as her eyes start to wonder. She bring her pen near her, scratching her head with it. Summer break is over and sadly Y/N back to being high school student. She is now a third year student, which why she have additional class to prepare for the university test. Y/N sighed. She doesn't even like studying but she know that she have to.

She doesn't even want to go to college, but she doesn't want to dissapoint her parents. Her father is an alumnus of Seoul National University and so is her mother. Her first brother, Seokjung is an architect and even Seokjin have his degree. There's no way her parents would let her not go to college. She know she have to, what else could she do anyway?

Her being busy with additional classes and all makes its harder for her to communicate with the BTS member. Since she always visit in her summer break, they grew fund of each other. So Y/N is sad that she can visit there again. Technically she could but the amount of studying and classes worn her out so she decided to use her weekend to rest.

That doesn't mean Y/N don't contact the boys at all. She call her brother twice a week, chat with Jimin and the other boys. Jungkook doesn't really like to chat so she never really chat him, what would they talk about anyway? They'll end up bickering.

As for Yoongi, Y/N know that he's getting busy each day. Last week, Jimin told her that Yoongi will soon release his mixtape. So Y/N make sure to encourage him via chat to make sure he doesn't be too hard on himself. She make sure that he don't forget his meal and sleep regularly. In which she surprise the boy replied her all the time, even though he replied her late, but it's enough for her.


It is now August 15th. Everyone around Y/N told her about the release of the Agust D mixtape which is today. Even Yoongi himself text her about Agust D debut. She's really excited. She's still in school right now but she excuse herself to the toilet to listen and watch Agust D debut. She'll postpone what ever she is doing for her oppa of course.

Y/N put her hands around her mouth to kept back her scream. She can't believe how hot Yoongi look. Wait, did she just say hot? Well... He is one dangerous man indeed. With his black eyeliner making him much more fiercer and hotter. Sadly she can't listen to all of the song because it'll take around 30 minutes and Y/N know for sure that the teacher would be suspicious for her dissapereance in the class.

Soon after the class is done, she hurriedly went back home, go to her room and start to listen to the rest of the song. Not to mention, replaying the music video for the hundred of time. She know about the song 'Agust D' and 'The Last'. It is the song that Yoongi let her listen and asked for opinion. 'The Last' is the song that makes her cry and it never fail to make her cry again. Y/N furrowed her brows when she listen to 'So Far Away', noticing a girl voice.

Y/N shrug, maybe he asked for a colaboration with a female singer. She didn't know that. Y/N almost forgot to text Yoongi to congratulate him, as she too occupied with his song and well his music video.

Y/N congratulate Yoongi and compliment him for his song, in which Yoongi replied her immediately, thanking her. Y/N decided to visit him on the weekend and bought something for him as a congratulate gift. Since today is Monday, she have time to think about it.

Should she bake him some cookies? Over the summer break, when she's not visiting Big Hit, she learned how to bake with her mother. That's why she thought that it is perfect for her to bake him some cookies. Just thinking about how Yoongi face would look like after she gave him cookies excite her. How she know he will show his gummy smile. How she know he will match the height of their eyes. How she know he will pat her head or pinch her cheek.

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