57 : Anniversary Dinner (2)

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"Sorry hyung"

Seokjin sighed as he ruffled his hair. He then turned to look at the younger boy who's pouting, making him softened his gaze.

"No Jungkook, it's okay. It's not your fault" Seokjin said as he patted the younger's head.

"What's your backup plan hyung?" Namjoon asked.

Seokjin let out a loud sigh. "I don't have any."

"Wha-What? Then what should we do hyung?" Jimin asked.

Seokjin resting his head on his hand before he sit up straingt. "Let's just tackle him face to face"

"Wha-What?" Jimin blinked twice in confusion.

"Hyung!!! He pull out the box!" Taehyung reported at the older guy.

Seokjin look forward before he turned his attention to the rest of the boy.

"On the count of 3, we get up and stop him!"



Seokjin began to get up and soon followed by the rest of the boys. They're then run towards the two.

"NO!!!! STOP!!!!!"

Y/N and Yoongi stop their action as they turned their head to the direction of the voice.



The boys are now standing in front of them as they are catching their breath.

"What are you doing here?"  Yoongi furrowed his brows.

Seokjin put his hand on both of Yoongi's shoulder as he gave him a serious gaze. "Yoongi, think about it again. Don't you think it's too soon?"

Yoongi frowned.

"Hyung, I can't believe you didn't discuss about it with us first! We're so dissapointed" Namjoon added.

"Hyung, we know you are eager but don't you think Y/N is too young to get married?" Hoseok said.

Yoongi blinked as he tried to process the boys words. Soon he got back to his sense as he shook Seokjin's hand that's on his shoulder. He then gave the boys a confused look.

"Wait, what did you say?" Yoongi tilt his head. "Marriage?"

"You think.... I'm gonna propose to her?" Yoongi furrowed his brows.

The boys nodded as one of them start to point out the box that's on Yoongi's coat.

"Isn't that a ring?"

Yoongi let out a loud sigh.

"It's a necklace you idiot. We're celebrating our first year anniversary"

The boys widen their eyes as panic start to creep to their face.

"B-but Jungkook heard you talking about a wedding venue!"

"Yes, for my friend you idiot heads"

The boys are all silence. Soon they gave the boy an apologetic smile.

"And now my plan is ruined again" Yoongi sighed as he ruffle his hair. "Can't I finally have a peace with my girlfriend?"

"Sorry Yoongi-ah, we'll leave you two alone" Seokjin said with a apologetic smile.

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