Chapter 11: Welcome to the Labyrinth

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Chapter 11: Welcome to the Labyrinth

"What was the prophecy my dear?" Chiron asked.

Annabeth nodded numbly before speaking;

"Four shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze

"The Labyrinth," Percy said.

Two children of the sea shall lead the way

"Two descendents of a sea god or goddess," Artemis analyzed.

You shall rise or fall by the ghost kings hand

"Nico," Thalia said.

the child of Athena's final stand

Athena paled, going through a mental list in her head of who it could be.

Destroy with a hero's final breath

Poseidon and Hades both glance at Percy for reassurance that he lives.

And lose a love to worse than death"

"What could be worse than death?" Sally asked.

"Many things," Zoe answered. "Possession, torture, knowing too much, being barely alive, so much that you might as well be dead. Many things can be wose than death."

"Well this one sounds like a blast." Percy said sarcastically from his seat.

Zoe rolled her eyes but was extremely troubled by the words of the prophecy.

"Well I think the prophecy is pretty clear about who is going." Chiron announced to the room.

"Great so our success depends on Jackson; this won't end well." Theseus spat from his seat.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Who said you were coming on this quest?"

Theseus' eyes narrowed, "The sea obviously refers to me you idiot."

Percy's eyes shifted to the pitcher of water at the end of the table. He raised his hand as the water floated out of the pitcher before it hardened into a shard of ice which floated over to Theseus, the sharp jagged end inches from his neck.

"Do not presume to think you know anything, brother" Percy spat saying the word brother with disgust.

The entire war room was in shocked silence the exception of those who already knew Percy's birth father. Thalia, Annabeth, Zoe and Artemis all smirked at the look of shock of Theseus' face as his eyes darted from Percy to the shard of ice pointed to his neck.

"T... T.. This is a trick... you are no son of Poseidon." Theseus sputtered out.

"Afraid not," Percy said with a smirk.

Percy smirked as the ice shard dug into Theseus' neck, "Trust me, I wish I wasn't but Poseidon is in fact the ass that knocked up my mother. But don't worry, you never have and never will be any brother of mine."

Theseus' eyes narrowed as his face reddened. A bead of sweat fell from his forehead making Percy start laughing loudly.

Everyone laughed. "Coward," Ares spat.

"For once, I agree with you, Ares," Hera laughed.

"Wow, you truly are weak; don't even have the power to move this shard of ice from your throat. You're lucky we have more important things to discuss than the unfortunate fact that we share the same birth father." Percy said before the ice backed away from Theseus' neck.

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