Chapter 22: Casual Conversations with Titans

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/Chapter 22: Casual Conversations with Titans

"I...I d..di..didn't mean to stab her. I... I was trying to stab you." Ethan stuttered out as Percy's eyes flashed with anger before he closed them and took a deep breath. He opened them again as he looked at Ethan's trembling form beneath him.

"Perhaps you could be of better use to me alive rather than dead. We shall see." Percy said in an icy tone.

Ethan nodded his head frantically before Percy put a foot on his chest and leaned down until he was only inches from Ethan's face.

"If Zoe dies, I don't care if it costs me this war. I will take my time ripping your body apart; piece by agonizing piece." Percy growled before grabbing Ethan's shirt as they were engulfed by a shadow./

Zoe kissed Percy on the cheek. She liked that he was protective over her.

/Percy reappeared with the son of Nemesis in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel where a number of Apollo campers were tending the wounded. They all jumped up with weapons drawn when they saw Ethan but Percy held up a hand to stop them.

"Relax guys, Ethan here is going to be joining us until we figure out what to do with him. Michael, can you take our friend here to his own special room, preferably something uncomfortable and unpleasant?" Percy said with a glare at Ethan.

Michael nodded, "You got it Perce. We've been throwing the bloodied towels in the closet from all the injuries. Maybe the traitor can enjoy some time lying in some of the blood that's on his hands." Michael said as he grabbed Ethan roughly out of Percy's grasp and shoved him towards the other end of the room.

"Put someone on guard near the door, he cannot be allowed to escape. I have some questions to ask him later." Percy added.

Michael nodded, "She's on the second floor Perce, room 213. Will was working on her last time I was there, he said it was bad but that she'd live."/

Artemis let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

/Percy nodded before running off to the stairway door and up a flight of stairs until he reached room 213. Percy opened the door to find Zoe standing in front of the bed with a glare directed at Will who had his hands up in surrender.

"What's up guys?" Percy said as he walked into the room.

Will quickly scooted behind Percy, "Zoe woke up a few minutes ago. I was trying to tell her to get some rest since she was injured but she demanded to go back out to find you." He said warily.

Percy raised an eyebrow at Zoe who glared at Will.

"Go help your brothers. It's almost dark and people are starting to come back with the wounded. Try to get a count of the injuries and fatalities. We'll need to have a meeting later to discuss the plan for tomorrow." Percy said.

Will nodded and quickly left the room, leaving Percy alone with Zoe.

"Are you alright?" He asked quietly.

Zoe glared at him, "I'm fine Percy; it was just a flesh wound."/

Percy laughed a little and rolled his eyes.

/Percy rolled his eyes before he chuckled, "I see why you got irritated when I said that to you."

Zoe couldn't stop her lips from quirking into a small smile as she sat back down of the bed. Percy sat down beside her, "Let me see the wound, I can try to heal it better."

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