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Esther Keipa's POV

That day must have been my lucky one. I was just bored having stared at the telly the whole evening and so I decided to go at the river to collect some marbles for making chain pendants. I loved beading beside hunting.

I was busy when collecting the marbles when I suddenly saw a boy's delightful face emerging from the water with a splash. His circular eyes were charcoal black. His skin was golden and his teeth crystal white. His hair was short and blonde. His nose was conical and his lips were soft. When I saw him,my heart skipped a beat.
I could not stop staring at his charming eyes and I knew no better than to give him that smile that I always preserved for hot guys. Guys like him.
I was overwhelmed when he waved at me and I had to wave back!

He sunk inside the water again and I frowned.

I had to go back home to check on my favourite TV programme around six in the evening which was approaching.
Although I wanted to just be staring at him,I had to push that feeling aside but in a manner that was so hard to apply.

As I walked up the hill,I saw the boy standing with his friend Joe .

I knew Joe.

Those tattoos on his chest drove my soul crazy. I wanted to run back and crush my body on his.
At that moment,I heard him shout his name and I yelled out mine.
I still remember how I got home smiling for no reason and my father suspicious of my behavior tried to ask what had happened but I just said absent mindedly,

"he's so cute,"between a large grin.

"Who is cute?"asked my dad.

Coming to my senses I said,
"nothing dad...uh...its Pedro."Pedro was the main character in the programme I was pretending to be following. He must have heard rumors about Pedro,because the programme was so popular at the time, since he bothered me no more. He left me alone,shaking his head.
The programme was a love story and as far as I was concerned,the main characters were me and Oscar.
Thoughts of him kept swirling in my mind no matter how hard I tried to push them away.

The next day was on a Sunday and since the church was over,it was the time which I used to do what I liked most,in this case , hunting.

I was searching for a prey in the woods as usual and I found one,this time it was human!
Although it was singing in a magical voice,that voice that one could only experience in them love songs,it was imperative to snare it lest a superior hunter would snitch my only spot and run away only to leave me half dead!I knew I had to catch its heart just as I caught them small animals with my bait if I wanted to feed my starving heart with love. Yes I wanted to fall for him.
He was so freaking hot!

His voice,in a manner I'm not able to explain,drew me near him,he played his guitar so artfully and lovely that I forgot what had brought me into the forest and I was lost in his music.
I just figured his fingers, just as they darted on the guitar, caressing my tummy somewhere near my navel and I was amazed at my ridiculous fancy!

I walked slowly,avoiding any fallen material that would produce a sound when stepped upon and catch his attention.
I just didn't want him to stop singing.
I felt my fingers itch for him. I just wanted to touch him. To feel his warmth is what I wanted.
Not hoping that he would stop singing, I placed my hands slowly upon his shoulders but I was shocked when his voice became fait and he stopped singing. He stared in my eyes.

I was feeling like I wanted to kiss him so badly and against all odds I wanted to do it that very moment,there and then but something caught my sight,that shaken thicket.

When he was singing perfect.
It was all about me .
The words sunk to the bottom of my heart.
I figured him becoming all mine. I wanted to own him. I felt like a fool going to this extent having known him very little.

I didn't care!

I was so amazed by him asking me for a date. I had to act like I didn't need it just to prove a point, to play it hard to get.

But finally I gave in or he would leave.
My greatest worry 😟!

I remember how we got drunk and I was very courageous to ask him to have sex with me.

Only god knew I needed him so badly!

I was Eighteen and still a virgin.
I wanted to know what it felt like to have sex.
This I could do with him because I loved him if not curiosity that was behind all this and it killed the cat only that he made me feel like a kitten 😺.

What made me love him most is his failure to lay with me and the reason he gave.

"I couldn't take advantage of you being drunk, "he said running his hand through my hair.

Oh boy,next time I will be sobber. I thought

We explored the park the next day and I remember each and every event like it was yesterday;

How the water flew flawlessly down the extra high cascade all the way down the almost four hundred feet fall until it turned to steam on the way.

How we swum in the willows when he gave me the tightest hug saying that he loved 💕 me .

I looked at him in the eyes and along with my heart I said that I loved him too.

I can't forget how we used a yacht ⛵ to get to the deep waters of  Lake Veblen and the way the cold breeze brought refreshment in my soul.

A lion running after many antelopes only to catch one.

I can't forget how the yacht's engine got a misfire in the middle of nowhere for all around us was water, blue and unfathomable.

Were it not for the engine, maybe I could be enjoying that amazing view but I was so worried in stead.

I still recall how he said that he looked at me closing my eyes so I could die in peace.

Honestly, I felt like the girl in titanic!!

I went to him and gave him a hug and an affectionate kiss.
To die in his arms would be my greatest favour.

I still can't understand how the wind miraculously blew the yacht to the shallow shore and we got out thanking God almighty.


"Even the heavens wants us to  live happy ever after." I thought.

Author;This is my favourite chapter of  Back to me

I like how Esther put this down.
I hope you like it too

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