Chapter 8

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It wasn't long before we found the next door to the next room since it had a huge sign saying this way like that last door we went through. The only difference was that this sign had a huge blood stain smeared all over it. The room was bigger than the last one and had a huge clear tube in the middle of it. The tube had a metal clamp attached to it which also had an antique-looking machine and i wondered what it was for. It's probably for the next task I thought to myself. Namjoon was the first one to speak. "So I wonder who will be the next... oh shit"

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly since 'oh shit' was a worrisome two words; especially in a place like this. However, Namjoon did not reply. Instead, he continued to stare at something but I couldn't make out what it was. I followed his gaze and found what he was so shocked about: on the side of the tube there was another message painted in blood: Namjoon, truth or dare

"Oh shit" I repeated after Namjoon, "guys, Namjoon is next". The group gasped nervously and I could see that Namjoon was scared out of his mind. His forehead had erupted with balls of sweat and I could see his hands shaking. 

"Joonie I believe in you and you could do it. All you need is to follow the rules and you will be perfectly fine" Jimin said. He went over to a horrified Namjoon and gave him a hug and I joined in. 

"Don't be nervous bro" I said encouragingly. I rubbed his back comfortingly, however, he continued to shake and sweat viciously.

"I found the card" a voice came from the other side of the room and I realised it was Jin's voice.  "Truth or dare Namjoon"

Namjoon gulped hesitantly before he answered; "Truth". Just before anyone could respond to his choice, a metal clamp grabbed Namjoon by the waist and pulled him up. To my horror, the clamp then lowered Namjoon over the the big tube. I knew something was off with that tube. 

"Namjoon!" Jisoo leapt towards Namjoon but Jimin held her back firmly.

"Leave him be... Namjoon your question is, what is your IQ?" Jin said very calmly. I looked at Jin in confusion; why was the truth so easy? It went from Lisa having to hide the biggest secret of her life and dying for it, to Namjoon having to answer a simple question. I wasn't complaining though. 

"What? So my best friend died for her truth and Namjoon gets asked the easiest shit?" Jisoo exclaimed passionately. Looks like I wasn't the only one thinking that. "That is not fair"

"So are you wishing death upon my best friend because your best friend died? Do you know how messed up that is?" Jimin grabbed Jisoo by the shoulders and started shaking her. Jisoo tried to push Jimin off her but it was no use: Jimin was too strong for her. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise and from the corner of my eye, I could see something red.

"Both of you shut up now" I said and they both let go of each other. My eyes diverted to the tube which had fire firing out of it. The smoke could be smelt already as it poured out of the tube and into the now contaminated air. Above the roar of the fire, I could hear Namjoon's whimpers as he was still above the fire and yet to answer the question.

"Come on Namjoon, what is your IQ?" Jin said, no longer as calm as he was before. 

"My IQ is 148. That is the answer." Namjoon replied. However, the clamp did not release Namjoon onto safe ground, instead, it just stayed in the same place as if it was still waiting for an answer. 

"Why the fuck is it not moving" I said, worriedly.

"Guys it's really hot" Namjoon started coughing from all the smoke that was being lifted onto his face and I could tell that it was hot from the way Namjoon was scratching all over his body. "Oh my days, I think you have to get me down" Namjoon said. My head lit up and I realised that, that was the reason why there was a machine attached to the tube. 

"I will do it because I am good at dealing with machinery" Jisoo said and before we could reject her, she was hurrying over to the machine. We all held our breathe as Jisoo looked carefully at the machine.

"Be careful Jisoo, we are all counting on you" Jimin said.

"So I think you have to find a way to lower me down onto safe ground and then drop me" Namjoon instructed. Jisoo prodded at the machine as if she was expecting it to work by itself. 

"There is a red button in the middle of it so I guess I should press it" Jisoo said.

"Okay" Namjoon said, "Oh.. WAIT NO NO" But it was too late; Jisoo had pushed the button. The clamp let go of Namjoon and he dropped into the fiery tube.

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