Chapter 31

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My heart stopped as Yoongi stepped out of the shadows and into clear view. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jungkook wide-eyed in shock from Yoongi's unexpected appearance. I expected Yoongi to get out a gun and shoot us both dead but he just stood there grinning at us with a gummy smile and chuckling lightly. "Come on guys, loosen up, it's only me" Yoongi said. This guy is definitely as crazy as I thought he was. 

My ears picked up a loud gulp coming from Jungkook and his fingers closed around the trigger on his gun. Not daring to communicate to Jungkook, I kept my attention on Yoongi who was still standing there as if Jungkook wasn't about to put a bullet through his head. Yoongi's eyes glowered with excitement and insanity as he watched us both shake in his presence. His lips were still curled in a smile which only made me wonder what he found so funny: our fear or the fact that he knew he will always get his way. 

"So... what do you want from us?" Jungkook asked in a raspy voice. His anxiety was clearly shown in his quivering voice and the sudden sound made me realise that I was not breathing. At that realisation, I began to become light headed and I quickly sucked in a deep but silent breath. I looked up at Yoongi to wait for his reply.

"You two kids have put me through soooo much: killing my cousin, destroying my game, forcing me to shoot poor Taehyung over here... and honestly it's the most fun I've had in years, obviously apart from murdering Namjoon and Jimin. The way Namjoon was screaming almost gave me an orgasm..."

"Shut the fuck up" I growled at Yoongi. I whipped out my gun, loaded it quickly and pointed it at Yoongi's forehead. Yoongi raised his eyebrows in surprise and amusement and lifted his hands up. "I have been waiting for this moment ever since you killed Namjoon and so if I were you, I would wipe that smile off your face" 

"Wow, Jungkook your girlfriend is feisty. You are one lucky boy" Jungkook rolled his eyes making Yoongi laugh and turn back to me. "Listen babes, you are not gonna do shit..."

I interrupted him hastily: "Oh really? Watch me..."

"I was gonna say that if you even step in a direction that displeases me, you can say goodbye to the rest of the 21 kids that are in the dorms right now" I furrowed my eyebrows to figure out what he meant whilst Yoongi went into his pocket and took out a small object with a red button on it. To my horror, I realised that it was a detonator. 

Yoongi seeing my horrified reaction, flashed his gummy smile again and waved the detonator in the air. "I placed 200 bombs in the camp to cover up the fact that we would have killed most of the kids in this game but since you destroyed it, I have no use for them anymore, do I?" I stepped back in shock and stared into Yoongi's menacing eyes. Yoongi just stared back at me, smirking. "Annoy me and I will blow those kids to shit... now put down your guns"

My gun remained clenched in my hand so hard that I could feel the material piercing my skin. I looked back at Jungkook who was doing the same I was. He had a conflicting look on his face as if he was deeply troubled and had a terrible dilemma. His brows were scrunched up and he pierced his lips in thought. I turned back to Yoongi who was staring at us, waiting for us to do what he asked. "Put down your guns before I press the button. I'm sure you don't want to be responsible for the death of all those kids?" 

My heart began to beat fast as I wondered what to do. If I obeyed Yoongi, Jungkook and I would surely die but if I didn't then all the other kids would die. There was no way Yoongi would allow Jungkook and I to live whether I put my gun down or not and there was no question about whether Yoongi was actually going to blow the dorms or not: Yoongi's a fucking psycho. But I didn't survive all this way for nothing...

"Right, none of you are moving? You have five seconds before I activate the bombs and then I will just kill you both. Well either way, I'm going to make sure you are dead" Yoongi said, running out of patience. "Five..."

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