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For the rest of the day Jesse couldn't get the words out of his mind. His Esme is growing up and will be wanting to look for a husband soon. Just the thought of any one other than he or his brothers near her makes his blood boil.

He is so lost to his thoughts that he fails to notice the door opening or the soft footfalls that come up to him. He only notices as he feels warm soft arms wrap around him. "What are you thinking about?"

"The day we took you shopping when you first came to live with us." Jesse says. The memory of that day will forever remain in his memory. Esme had been so young then, so lost and full of wonder.

Esme gets out of the carriage and looks around in wide eyed wonder. Jesse looks at her with a smile on his lips. How long has it been since the world held as much wonder for him as it does for this little human?

"So many people, how do they all live so close together?" Esme asks him softly.

"Most don't have a house, they live in buildings that are separated for families." Carlo tells the young girl.

Once Santo and Desanto get out of the carriage they make their way to the nearest clothing shop. It is one that they normally visit when they need new clothes. 

The shop keeper was quick to come to them and fawn over them. Esme was less then impressed at the fawning she did.

Jesse tells the shopkeeper what they are in need of. He sends Esme off with the woman to get her measurements. The vampires took the time to look at fabrics and talk over styles. Jesse never thought he would be talking with his brothers over something like that.

Esme comes out and looks daggers at them. It was only after they buy some clothes that were more suited for her that were already made that they left. It was while they ate at the inn that they found out just how rude the shopkeeper had been with Esme.

That was the last time they went to her.

They kept a closer watch over her at the other shops that they took her to. By the end of the day they were able to get her to smile and even laugh a couple of times.

They all look so pleased whenever she did as if they had accomplished something truly great and difficult.

By the end of the day they returned to the castle. Jesse ends up carrying Esme in his arms and helping her get ready for bed.

That was the first time that he could remember feeling at peace.

"I can't hardly believe it has been almost seven years now." Esmeralda says once she thinks back over that day. "That snooty shopkeeper was so rude. Sucked up to you and the others then treated me like dirt once I was in the back. I know you have good hearing. I'm still not sure how you didn't hear the things she told me. At least she didn't hurt me physically."

"If she had, then we would have killed her. If we had known that she would have treated you like that we wouldn't have gone there." Jesse lets the regret show in his voice. To him, it's as fresh today as if it just happened.

"I know, it is long over, Jesse. I was fine and I'm still fine. I'm more than happy with the dressmaker that I use now. She is friendly without being a suck up. Those people just make me sick."

Jesse looks at Esme and smiles, "Yes, I remember a few times where you dealt with a few of those suck ups."

Esme snickers a bit as she, too, remembers a few of the times she dealt with those people. Areon had helped her on more than one occasion and that was enough to stop her laughter. "I know that it was the right thing to do, but I miss Areon."

Jesse gathers Esme and pulls her onto his lap. "I know. I would take the pain away if I could, Little one."

Esme snorts at his old name for her. "I'm not so little any more, Jesse."

Jesse tightens his arms around her and he lays his head on hers. "I know. It's just so hard for me to remember that. It was brought to my attention that you will, in the not so distant future, start looking for a husband. I'm afraid that I didn't receive that news to well."

"Ahh, that's why the trip down memory lane. I'm not going anywhere, Jesse. I don't belong among the humans anymore. Hell, I'm not sure that I ever did."

"Esme, you shouldn't say words like that." Jesse remonstrates.

Esme just snorts again. "Please, what do you expect? I was raised by four males and my body guard. Not a one of you did much to curb your language around me. I'm not truly a lady. Not like you and your brothers were born aristocrats."

"Would you like to know how we became vampires, Little one?" Jesse asks her. He knows that she's wanted to know but has never dared asked. It was made clear to her in her tutoring sessions that it isn't a topic you ask vampires.

"Would you? How did you become the crown prince?" She had heard them tell her that years ago but they never talked about it after that one time.

"I will, but it really should be told with my brothers around, or at least knowing that I will be telling our story." Jesse smiles a small sad smile.

Jesse lets his arms loosen and Esme jumps off his lap and runs to find her other protectors. She doesn't want to miss this chance on learning some of the most important information you can about her guardians.

In short order she finds and gathers her guardians and friends. They come in the study behind her. Most definitely not as excited about the story as she is.

Once Desanto enters he shuts the door and locks it. They don't want anyone to enter while they give out this information. It is far too sensitive and could give away weaknesses. Although, after eight centuries plus it is unlikely. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

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