Chapter 55

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Chapter Fifty Five

What outfit should I wear? I'm only going to school so maybe some jeans? The weather is too cold for short sleeves.

Undecided, I just close my eyes and grab a shirt. When I open them I'm holding a light pink sweater.

The sweater brings me into the grand world of leggings.

I quickly throw on a pair of black leggings to go with my top. My shoes are just a pair of gray sneakers and my hair falls down my waist, curling at the bottom.

I'm about to go downstairs to see if moms home or not when my phone rings, I answer it.

"Hey, pretty lady." Trace says.

I smile at the sound of his voice, "Why'd you call me so early?"

He sighs out, pausing for a short moment.

"I'm picking you up for school."

My eyebrows draw together, "You don't have to-"

"I know I don't have to but I want to. Adalyns mother insisted on taking the kids to their school so I'm full of time and I want to spend it with my girl. I'm about to pull into your driveway."

My girl.

The words are like butterflies on a spring morning. Heartwarming and musical.

"Okay," is all I reply back with. He must be able to hear the smile in my voice because he chuckles.

He ends the call and I hear a horn honk.

He's here.

I grin like an idiot and grab my bag. Downstairs, I look around to see if there's any sign of mom leaving this morning. She doesn't always tell me when she leaves but she'll normally leave a note or something.

I scan the room quickly to see if there's an empty coffee cup or if the television is on. The room looks the exact same as it did the night before which can only mean one thing: mom's home.

She's still asleep since she worked so late last night. I remember hearing her come in at midnight. My brain was still half asleep and I knew she wanted to get to bed so I didn't bother trying to get up and have a drunken conversation with her.

When I get outside Trace is sitting in his truck watching me walk to him.

I climb in beside him and the warm air hits me. He used to never use his heater until I started riding with him.

"I like having a chauffeur take me to school," I smile at him.

He grins, "I'll be anything you want me to be."

A smile spreads across my face, "Just be mine."

That was super corny, but a perfect opportunity to be one of those couples and I couldn't pass it up.

He leans in and gives me a quick kiss, "I'd be honored."

Trace is mine. Of all the girls he could chose from he picked me. He could have anyone he wanted at the bat of an eye but he wanted me, he wants me.

It's like I'm Cinderella and I'm just wishing for a prince charming. And then he came.

We pull up to the school and we've only got a few minutes before the bell rings.

We jump out of the truck, grabbing our bags.

"What do you think we should do about Cameron?" I ask as we hurry into the building before we become tardy.

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