Chapter 43

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Chapter Forty Three

We go to the circle set up in what seems to be the second livingroom. It's Trace, Mason, Cameron, Adalyn, Lucas, Beatrice, Marcus and a kid named Jay who appears to be a friend of Beatrice.

I sit in between Adalyn and Mason while Trace sits across from me.

Jay is the first to ask the question, "Never have I ever skinny dipped with the opposite gender."

I've never done that so I don't drink. I have a weird red drink in my cup, but I'm barely going to sip it. I'll just get enough in my mouth so that my throat still bobs when I swallow. I'm not going to get tipsy off of a dumb game.

Beatrice is the next to ask but even though she's speaking to the entire circle, her eyes stay locked on mine.

"Never have I ever sent a naughty picture." she smirks and downs a drink.

Adalyn and Lucas smile at each other and take a drink. Trace, Cameron and I are the only three who keep their cups planted firmly on the floor.

I'm a little surprised when Mason takes a drink but it makes sense. He's got girls fawning all over him at school and with the right amount of pressure people will do just about anything.

Mason is the next to ask a question, "Never have I ever flashed a stranger."

He chuckles to himself as if remembering,  then he takes a drink.

This is the first question I'm able to drink to.

Trace raises his eyebrows at me with an amused smile when he realizes I have very well flashed a stranger.

It wasn't a big deal because it was a prank Laila and I did where we'd lift up our shirts to see who could get more people to look. I could only ever last about two seconds before I was slapping it back down so she always won.

It was a stupid prank but it kept us entertained.

It's my turn to speak, "Never have I ever locked my keys in the car."

Everyone around me takes a drink and Beatrice scoffs, gaining my attention.

"Is that the best you can come up with?"

Actually, yes. I'm not a fan of trying to discuss everyones sexual life so I wanted to spice things up with actual questions.

"Yea," I say dully and she frowns.

"I believe you; you don't exactly strike me as the 'fun' type."

I laugh, "Awe, you don't approve of me? What a damn shame." I say sarcastically and she narrows her eyes.

"Never have I ever had sex." she smirks and takes a drink, knowing I won't be able to. She's thinking that she just called me out on something I'm ashamed of but really she didn't. I don't care if people know the truth about me and what I have or, in this case, haven't done because my decisions are what makes me who I am.

In order to know me, you have to know how I think and what I do. She's not exposing me in any way because I'm not ashamed.

"Never have I ever slept with someone to get them to like me." I ask and keep my eyes focused on her.

Trace stifles a laugh and Adalyn whispers 'dayum' in the background.

Beatrice doesn't make any attempt to pick up her cup so I just ignore her and Cameron takes his turn.

"Never have I ever had regrets about being with someone for a night." he asks and Marcus is the only one who drinks.

I stand up, finished with the game. I thought a party might be fun but I was wrong. All it is is drama and hormones.

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