Twenty Six

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The sound of the doorbell ringing throughout the house awakened the brunet from his shallow sleep.

He lazily got up, the heavy feeling around his eyes made him groan as he headed for the door.

It's Sunday morning, and he's not expecting any visitor.

Taehyung opened the door and was greeted by Jimin and Jin's fresh faces like the daisies in his garden.

"Hi! looked..." Jimin wasn't able to finish, keeping the comment to himself as he studied the brunet's face.

His eyes were puffy as if he had cried the whole night. There were bags under his swollen eyes, lips chapped obviously from dehydration. His brunet locks' a total mess.

All in all, he looked so stressed out.

"What brings you here?" Taehyung asked, voice hoarse as he allowed the two to get in.

"We've been texting you since yesterday but you're not answering. We thought you're dead or something." Jimin uttered, laughing at his own joke.

Taehyung sighed. "Then that should've meant to leave me alone, right?" He said in a stern voice.

Jimin stopped, hearing the anger in his voice.

"Oh wow. What's with the attitude?" He asked, folding his arms over his chest.

"We were worried about you, Tae." Jin said, trying to get in between the two.

"There's nothing to worry about. I'm doing good." He answered, barely a whisper.

He felt so tired and fucked up right now. He just wants to stay in his room and be alone.

He's been feeling shitty since Jungkook and him parted ways the other night.

Taehyung knew that the things Bogum said might have affected the ravenette.

He didn't get a call from him after that, not even a text.

He had been crying the whole day yesterday, barely able to eat and sleep.

Now, he couldn't help directing his anger and frustration on other things, and unfortunately, his two best friends are currently the target.

"You don't look good, Tae. Is there something wrong?" Jin asked, wanting to console the other.

"Everything's wrong!" Taehyung snapped, making the older flinch at his rage.

"What the hell is your problem?" Jimin said, his own anger now getting the best of him.

The brunet turned to look at the two, eyes sharp. "My problem is the both of you!"

Jimin and Jin looked astounded, seeing the anger in his face grow deeper.

"You shouldn't be coming in my house whenever you please." Taehyung accused.

Jimin pursed his lips, feeling hurt at his words. "Well, you could've just told us to leave than bitching around." He responded, turning on his heel.

"Let's go, Jin." He said, not throwing the other a glance as he made his way out of the house.

Jin sighed. He looked at Taehyung one more time. "If you ever need a friend to talk things out, I'm just one call away." He smiled before following Jimin out.

Taehyung bit his quivering lips, tears started flowing from his tired eyes.

Now he might have just lost his friends because of his own stupidity.

He's really so fucked up.


Monday morning, Jungkook hopped in the elevator, loosening his tie when the door finally opened.

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