♡ Chapter Four ♡

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It is time for Natsuki to reflect on what has just happened. She started walking home slowly because there is no rush to go home for Natsuki, unlike the other students. Every day, Natsuki walks into school tired and exhausted... like she just came out of a war zone. There are black bags under her eyes from not getting any sleep like at all. Natsuki wears a skirt hoping someone will point out the bruises on her legs, she is calling out for help but no one asks about them. They either assume it is from baking or rather she just tripped. Plus, her defensive nature makes it seems like she does not want help.

"Yuri, what am I going to do?" Natsuki asks herself as the clouds above her suddenly become darker. She looks up to see a water droplet hit her on the forehead before slowly rolling down it. "Great..." she mumbles as it starts spitting it down.

However, this did not increase Natsuki's speed. She just walked slower and slower as the rain hit the Natsuki faster and faster. "Why am I so concerned about her?" she asks herself as a blush came onto her face at the thought of Yuri. "Is it because I like her...?" she wondered.

Yuri's maturity and sophistication came into Natsuki's head which made her blush brightly. The way how Yuri is noted to be extremely beautiful made Natsuki shiver. Her long straight mysterious purple hair and luminous purple eyes took Natsuki in a trance, like an evil lustrous spell. Also, how shy, generous, polite, apologetic, very intelligent, mature, eloquent, and passionate Yuri can be towards people.

Like one time...

Natsuki was walking down the school hallway carrying her manga in her hand. She had her favourite collection with her however someone suddenly slapped it out of her hand. "H-hey!" Natsuki shouted but suddenly got pushed over and hit her knee on the ground.

"Dumb bitch," the guy said before walking off.

Natsuki growls before letting a through tears fall out of her eyes. She goes over to pick up her manga to see one of the pages had a massive rip in it. Natsuki eyes filled with tears like a waterfall. She picks up the manga but when she did the page fell out. Suddenly she felt a hand on her back.

"Natsuki?" Yuri asks softly trying to comfort her despite not knowing what happened. She just saw Natsuki sat on the floor crying her eyes with a bleeding knee. "W-what happened?"

Natsuki suddenly stands up with her broken manga in hand. "It's none of your business!" she shouts at her.

Yuri was a bit taken away by this and took a step back. She starts fiddling her hair. "S-sorry, I'll leave you be," she says before frowning and walking off leaving Natsuki there.

"Bitch..." Natsuki mutters before wiping her eyes.

Natsuki sighs heavily. "Why was I so awful to Yuri? She was just wanted to help and I was being a big meanie to her," she asks herself before staring up into the sky and it started to rain as it did before... it was depressing. "How long has been Yuri cutting for...?" she wondered. "How long have I been mean to Yuri?"

Natsuki continued walking home while looking at the stone payment as the water dropped on it. "Am I the really best person to suggest help for Yuri? Maybe, I should let the senseis know... no Yuri said they did nothing when she was being harassed. What if I ask Monika or even Sayori? ...but I don't know how close they are..." she mumbles to herself trying to think of the best approach. "What if I take away whatever she is hurting herself with? No, that might be too dangerous for Yuri..."

Natsuki looks up into the raining sky, "Hey, mum, what am I going to do?" she asks the clouds before some tears roll down her face. "Why am I upset? I am not the one who is hurting! Yuri is! Not me!" she shouts up into the sky wanting an answer but she didn't get one. Tears still fell down her face before looking at the ground again. Her tears were mingled with her rainwater but you could tell she was crying from the redness around her eyes and cheeks.

She continues the walk until she got home. Natsuki quietly took off her shoes at the doorstep but suddenly froze when she heard. "Where have you been, your dumb bitch?!" a voice shouts at her from the kitchen.

Natsuki walks in the kitchen. "Nowhere, papa. I just tried to wait out the rain but it came back..." she explains. Her father was rooting through the fridge grabbing a beer can out before drinking it.

He rolls his dark moody pink eyes at her. "I guess that makes sense," he says while clenching his fist. "Did you get your homework done?" he questions before finishing his drink.

"I-I'll gets it done la-" Natsuki says before an empty can of beer hit her in the eye. She lets out a screech from the impact but it did not really hurt it just really scared her. "That hurt..." Natsuki thought as she started to rub her eye painfully but her emotional pain was much worse from the abuse.

"Get it done now," He ordered before Natsuki ran off into her bedroom scared of her father. She locked the door behind her.

Natsuki lets out a sigh before going over to the computer but in the dark monitor, she saw a red patch near her eye. She turns to the mirror to see a smallish red mark near the tear duct. "It doesn't look that bad...hopefully, it doesn't bruise because I can just say it's allergies..." she thought coming up with an excuse. "...if it does, I can just say I fell over or walked into a door frame..."

She turns back to her computer and opens the internet. She searches for, "What to do if your friend is self-harming." She clicks on the first website that came up and started reading.

"Before I say anything, choose a good time for both of us..." Natsuki reads as she began to think. "I guess it was a good idea not bringing it up."

"Be there for them and don't shout or interrupt them when they speak," Natsuki also reads. "Offer professional support to them. Don't scold them for it."

"Try not to panic or overreact... well I failed at that," Natsuki chuckles to herself. "Let them be in control of their decisions. Remind them of their positive qualities and things they do well."

Natsuki leans back into her chair, "I need a time when I could talk about it... maybe I can ask Yuri to hang out to bake?" she wondered before hearing a glass breaking downstairs which was probably her father. "Well, hang out at her house..." she mumbles annoyed at her living conditions.

Meanwhile, Yuri was just looking out of her window. With her chin resting on her palm as blood drip down from her fresh cuts. Her eyes were dull and did not sparkle. She just enjoyed the view as the blood-stained the window sill. She closed her eyes before letting out a small giggle looking at this rain. What could Yuri be giggling at?

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