letters to Eliza : the last letter

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My dearest Eliza,

The moon is high up in the sky and its shine is filling the hearts of every lover in this world with unbound joy. I am once again sitting at my old, rusty desk and writing this letter to you because just the mere picture of you holding this piece of paper in your hands provides me with a sense of excitement and peace.

You have been pretty distant from me and I don't know if it is because of what happened that Christmas night or because you are firm on your decision to not be mine. Fine, Love, you don't have to be mine. You can belong to anyone else in this world and I will still love you the same.

I remember you walking through the aisle at our wedding. A smile claimed your perfect lips when you looked at me. The sun was high up in the sky and everything shone so bright in the June summer but you, my love, were the brightest. The sun was jealous of you and my heart was playing this treacherous game every moment I looked at you. I remember when I leaned in to kiss you. It wasn't the kiss that we often had in my dreams. It was a kiss that made me feel that love or arranged, you were now my bride and at that very moment, I wanted to scream to the entire world that this lonely author at least had the most beautiful bride in this world.

Bride. That's what I always thought of you. You were my bride and now, the loss of you makes me realize how I never got the chance to show you off as my wife. It feels agonizing, sweetheart. I can't apologize enough for what I have done to you. I don't know how to ask for your forgiveness. I was so naive and foolish. I am the author who never knew that he could have a story of his own. A story where both my journey and destination would be you. I never knew.

Yet, I will be brave enough to ask you not to leave me. You don't have to because I will be back. I know I will. I will swim through an ocean of fire just to get back to you and when I do, I promise, I will cherish you every day and you will find it harder and harder to leave me. I will love you so much that the entire world will be jealous of you. They will want that kind of love but it will be yours because I am yours.

My heart is yours. It will live and die with you. It will beat in your rhythm and dance in your music. It will scream in your pain and bleed in your sorrow. Above all, it will stay, Eliza. It will always stay, with you.

I will always stay for you, and all you have to do is never leave my view.



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