epilogue: the boy

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8 years later

"Mommy! Joseph stole Daddy's book!"

The newspaper fell from Eliza's hand when she heard her daughter shout. It had become a daily routine. Every day, the kids would fight over something or the other and then one of them would sulk around all day.

"I just picked it up, Ma! Cass is lying!" Joseph shouted too.

Eliza got up from the couch and stormed towards the kids' room. Her steps were filled with fury and she opened the door to the room with a bang and found them holding William's book. Joseph, her eldest at seven years, held one side and Cassandra, her five-year-old, held the other end and they were trying to pull it away from the other.

"How many times did I tell you not to play with Daddy's books?" Eliza said to her children, crossing her arms over her chest and looking down at them.

Cassie let go of the book and stood up. The little human corrected the creases on her small pink dress like a gentlewoman before walking ahead and standing beside her mother. Eliza watched and fought hard the giggle that threatened to escape her mouth as she watched her daughter copy her by crossing her small arms and leaning against the door.

"Joseph! How many times did Mommy tell you not to read Daddy's books?" Cassie said and Eliza bit her tongue trying to control her laughter.

Cassie was a miniature version of her. She had the same small yet sharp facial features and green eyes but her hair was a shade of dark blond, something she got from her father. She was a chubby kid and loved wearing dresses just like Eliza and her smile was a copy of William's. Unlike her brother, her hobbies were fashion and make-up.

Eliza didn't say anything as Joseph got up too and with small steps came to stand in front of Eliza and offered her to take the book. Eliza took it and this time, she couldn't stop herself from smiling when she saw Joseph look at Cassandra and give her a disapproving glance.

Joseph was the doppelganger of his father. They looked exactly alike and had the same shade of bright, blue eyes. The only difference was Joseph's brunette hair. Eliza smiled at him and when he saw her looking at him, he bit his lip. Eliza bent down to his height to look him straight in the eyes.

"Did you read the book?" Eliza questioned.

Joseph looked at the ground for sometime before giving a small nod, drawing patterns with his feet on the floor. Eliza sighed. She always had a hard time keeping Joseph away from his father's books. They both shared the same love for literature and Joseph had already decided that he would follow in his father's footsteps.

"You shouldn't read Daddy's books. They are for adults," she tried to explain to her little one.

"I'm sorry, Ma. They look really exciting."

Eliza gave a small smile and ruffled his hair. "Well, here's a deal — if you promise to not touch Daddy's books again, then I will ask him to write you a book for your own. How does that sound?"

His blue eyes beamed at that offer.

"Really Ma?" he asked.

"Really Mommy? Will he write me one too?" her daughter asked too and Eliza turned to her with a questioning look.

"Since when do you read books?"

Cassie licked her bottom lip and didn't say anything for some time but after much thinking, she spoke, "Well if he writes me one then I will try to read. I will read anything Daddy writes!"

Eliza was overwhelmed by the statement and burst into laughter. Her kids were surprised by her reaction but Eliza pulled them into a hug.

"Aw, my babies! Mommy loves you so much!"

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