Chapter Four

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Darius sighed as his sister ran off, and decided it was time to leave the dark, cozy den of his library and return to his party. His handsome friend was the first person he ran into as he left the room.

"Darius, how dare you leave me alone with you enchanting mother. If I weren't so young, neither of us would be single. You create a real danger, you know in leaving us alone for so long," the friend chuckled.

"I would like to think a man of thirty would have a higher mind than to wed a silly woman of forty five," Darius retorted.

"I was just joking with you," the handsome friend slapped Darius across the back playfully. Darius rolled his eyes.

"Will you come shooting with me in the clearing sometime. I saw some a fine treasure out there today I'd like to become better acquainted with, and I'd prefer a second opinion," Darius extended a hand out to William.

     William took it a shook with a firm grip. Looking him in the eyes he exclaimed, "I hope you aren't planning on making friends with your dinner!"

     "And why not," Darius shrugged, "can we not be cordial to our eventually dinner guests?"

     "When you put it that way, I suppose we could; but you are old enough to make your own opinions on your dinner meat," William arched an eyebrow.

"Perhaps I am," Darius sighed.

William and Darius carried on in much the same way as the glided down the corridors of Darius's grand abode.

Suddenly, Darius' butler can you to him and whispered in his ear, "some business must be taken care of. It's urgent."

Darius paid his apologies to his friend and followed his butler into a parlor. Shutting the door behind him, he moved to a dark desk fashioned with bottles of ink and quills. He pulled out a book of numbers and sketched some more down. He balanced his books for some time before standing, letting out a successful yelp. His butler came rushing in.

"Have you found the funds?" the butler asked excitedly.

"Yes, I did. There was a calculating error. After triple checking I can even announce there is enough to hold a ball here, tomorrow."

"A ball? But.. but sir, you've never held a ball here before?" The butler exclaimed.

"Yes, well Gisabelle is here now, and she will most definitely ask for one. Make sure to invite all of the ladies in the surrounding areas as well as their families. I want to be... I want Gisabelle to be acquainted with as many girls about her age as possible."

"Yes of course," the butler bowed. Before he left the room, he turned and stayed, "I've never seen you so excited about a dance. Could this be the one where you find your future wife?"

Before Darius could respond, the butler bolted out of the room, a grin creeping on his face. Darius huffed and shouted after him, "don't spread such things! I better not hear gossip!" But it was in vain.

The maids whistled a mournful tune that evening as they began ball preparations, and Darius's mother skipped up to him with such excitement glistening in the tears falling onto her cheeks.

"My son, married soon. Taking a wife. I never thought this day would come. Really, I was just telling Gisabelle that I thought you'd end up old and alone with only William to comfort you until your death day. My only comfort was that I might not live to see you so lonely."

"Mother, whatever rumors you have heard about tomorrow night are completely false. I am simply holding a ball in Gisabelle's honor to find her some suitable acquaintances in the surrounding neighborhoods."

"But you've never done it before," his mother winked, "I think someone has caught your eye, and now you are ready to settle down. You will let down all the young ladies of England down tonight. They will run away in tears, it will be such a party." Fanning away a single tear, she followed an exasperated looking Darius into the ballroom where the flowers were just starting to be arranged.

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