Chapter Ten

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Darius averted his eye, staring down at the floor. He could feel Isabelle's gaze burning into the top of his head. She waited patiently for his answer.

Isabelle hoped that Darius would remember this moment for the rest of his life. She likewise hoped he would let her go- she suspected he would, for who could give up the luxury he was so used to?

     Perhaps Darius could. He'd lived in the lap of luxury for so long. Maybe he was bored, but was that any reason to leave his comfortable home?

Darius's mother looked at him, pain was imminent in her gaze. Darius could tell that his mother suspected he was choosing between his family and his love. A pain struck in his chest. He opened his mouth to speak.

     Just then, William and Gisabelle burst into the group with ignorant, elated looks plastered on both their faces. "I have asked your daughter to marry me, and she has said, 'yes!'" William exclaimed to Darius's mother, speaking in the direction, though, of Darius.

     Darius's mother's face suddenly softened and became pained. She stormed off.

     "I must go after her," Darius's voice crackled as he evaded the scene. He left behind a hurt girl, near tears, and a very sore couple.

     He followed his mother to a parlor room next to the library. He saw a glimpse of her run inside and slam the door behind her.

     "Mother," her son sighed softly at the door.

     A silent moment passed.

"Come in my darling Darius," the mother whimpered.

Darius hesitated. His whole life he'd done what he was told, up until he was the one telling himself what to do. But even his orders originated from the desires, the values of the old order of things. Finally, he remembered Isabelle taking care of her sisters. He saw their need for her, for family. He entered the room with soft steps.

     "Mother... I"

     "No let me speak," she started. She was crumpled in a chair looking very disheveled. Darius wondered how much of this was shock and from his doing and how much was from his sister.

     "I know it's wildly inappropriate to assume anything would happen between me and the young best friend of my only son," she started gazing at her son through tears, "and truly, I would never attempt anything with your friend. But to think I had a chance at male friendship... without your father, I'm so alone."

     "I thought you enjoyed your freedom; doting on your children. Making matches for us with everyone."

     "Love is freedom, son. Companionship, friendship. These are not trifling things. These dictate the rest of your life. The young girl you fancy, she sees life as more than a marriage. She will run away from you. You will give up everything trying to chase her, win her."

     "I don't want to chase her. I've seen her run as fast as horses. I want to stable her and have her as mine in a home, with children. Your grandchildren," he sighed.

     "You think that... girl," she snarled "wants children and a home. She's too wild for those things... too immature. You'd be better to leave her where you found her. Please, son."

     "No, mother. I must try to have her as my own. I will go to her and ask her myself." With that he swept out of the room, shutting his mother back into the darkness. He strode back to the ballroom and only hesitated for a second at the door. Then, he burst into the room and walked up to his love. William and Gisabelle had been comforting her but in seeing Darius, they started to the room where the mother sobbed.

    "I'm afraid I didn't ask before. I just assumed," he took her hand. "Isabelle, could you ever bring yourself to give up your freedom, your home in the prairie, and your last name to come live with me and be with me as my wife? You'd have many comforts, your own horses and room, a library that spans ages. I know you would love it here if you could love me. And maybe you'd find that there are many things in life better than one's freedom." He tried to read her eyes for a response; they glistened with tears. Isabelle situated herself, and standing tall, she opened her mouth to speak.

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