30 | a soul for a soul

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chapter xxx of the death season :

" I got red in my ledger.
I'd like to wipe it out. "

august 1, 2014

" MAMA . . . "

As Clint powers up the Benatar to leave from Morag, Natasha looks up from where she stands by the weapons bay, green eyes soft and curious as Svetlana stands across from her. The redheaded girl won't meet her eyes as she leans against the metal wall, wringing her hands in front of her, tapping at her palms.

"I..." The girl catches her breath, the soft Russian lilt to her voice cracking as she murmurs, "I had wanted to ask you..."

She goes silent, red brows dipping.

"Svetka?" Natasha cautiously approaches, dipping her own chin to try to meet her gaze, "What is it?"

Svet's eyes stay away from her mother's face, gnawing on her raw bottom lip, "I had thought that it was time for me to come home..."

Natasha feels her body stiffen, going deathly still. She holds her breath, scared that if she says anything - anything at all - that Svetlana will change her mind. But, beyond her control, her hand lifts up her chin so that she can see her eyes - James' eyes, eyes like the morning.

"All this time, all these years since we lost..." The girl's morning eyes are a frightening red and there are tears that threaten to spill over as she whispers, "I've been trying to find my place in the world. And then I realized... that my place in the world is with you."

And then she whispers, "Can I come home to you, Mamulya?"

There's a beat of silence before Natasha quietly laughs and when her daughter meets her gaze, she smiles, "It's about time."


wheaton, new jersey
april 7, 1978


A hand sticks out of the window, giving a peace sign as an old grey-haired man and a woman screech by in a white muscle car with psychedelic bumper sticker reading, 'Nuff Said.

"You go, Stan!" Amidst the dust they leave behind, Lisa gives a big content sigh, "God, I love that guy."

"Lees, focus up, come on!"

"I'm focused, I'm focused." The girl groans at their nagging before she jogs to catch up to the two men who quickly make their way through the military base.

Camp Leigh buzzes with activity as men and women in various divisions of the army don't seem to notice the three adults out of place. Trucks and other army green machines are strewn about the dirt road, and the men in uniform brush between the trio without a second glance.

Wearing a vintage twine suit, Tony cautiously glances around through the wide lens of his sunglasses, "Clearly, you weren't actually born here, right?"

"The idea of me was."

Lisa awkwardly shuffles as she buries her hands in her pockets, "Well, the idea of me was born in a nightclub in Vegas so this place is definitely a step-up."

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