Chapter 8

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~Jacob's POV~

She backed her car out of the parking spot and started to drive away. I walked back to my bike to get everything off of it. To my delight, Tristen had stayed behind and started to get everything off for me.

"Thanks for helping me out man."


After about half an hour we got everything off and thrown away. Tristen left and I stayed back for a little bit, just thinking. I noticed the poor kid she convinced, he must've been a freshman. I'll tell him tomorrow to get rid of the video. I decided to go over to Cody's house for a little bit.

Cody's house wasn't very far from the school. It was a five-minute drive. He lived in a pretty big house, but he has a lot of family members. I'm pretty sure he has four siblings all together. They were all extremely nice. His parents were loaded but Cody never bragged about it. Honestly, I'm pretty sure only kids that live over here and his friends know he has money.

Cody still works like every other teenage boy. We work in the same mechanic shop. We met the first day I moved here. I needed a job and they were hiring. Cody interviewed me and hired me starting as soon as I could. From there a friendship grew.

Cody and I played Call of Duty for about an hour. I decided to bring up Caroline, to see what I could get out of him. Everyone knew he liked her no doubt but no one has really asked him why. I am intrigued to know so I just come right out and ask.

"Cody, why do you like Caroline?"

"I don't know man, I just, she's just so beautiful and her personality is so great."

"What if I could get you a date with her since you won't grow up and text her."

He smiled so hard before replying, "Oh my gawd, yes!"

"I'll work on it when I get home." I winked at him.

"Thanks, dude."

"No problem man."

Cody's parents asked me to stay for dinner. Cody's mom was the sweetest lady I have ever met. She reminded me a lot of my mom by how sweet she is. She has lovely ginger hair and baby blue eyes. She always wears pearls around her neck and diamond earrings. Cody's dad was also very nice. He was like the father I never had growing up.

His dad always wears suits and gets home pretty late. He is a criminal defense lawyer. One of the best in the state. He also gets paid a crap ton of money every two weeks. It amazes me how much one person can make in two weeks.

Cody's mom had asked me to stay for dinner so I texted Tristen and let him know. Mrs. Williams had made very good beef stew. It was the perfect mixture of ingredients. After eating dinner with them, I went back to Tristen's house. As soon as I walked in the door I was bombarded by his younger sister, Chloe. It was her first day of kindergarten today.

She ran up and gave me the biggest hug possible. I smiled warmly at her. I treated Chloe as if she was my own little sister. Heck, she called me her brother along with Tristen.

"How was school, my little angel?"

Her eyes gleamed with excitement before responding. "It was the best thing ever! How come no one told me how great it was?"

I didn't expect that question and immediately started to stutter, "Uhm, erm, we wanted you to experience the joy for yourself."

She looked up at me with her ginormous baby blue eyes, "Oh, okay, makes sense."

She ran back up to her room to play with her barbies. I looked over at the stairs after taking my shoes off to see Tristen standing there. He looked as if he just got done running a marathon.

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