Chapter 12

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~Jacob's POV~

Today Brittany and I were going to the library after school. I picked her up for school today so she didn't have to leave her car at the school. I decided that we weren't going to the library, I was going to take her home. I wanted her to meet my family, well Tristen's family but they were practically my family.

English was finally here. Brittany smiled at me as soon as she walked in. I smiled back at her. English, lunch, and P.E. were my favorite parts of the day because she was in them. Wherever I was, Brittany was always close by. We are always with each other. My friends became friends with her friends and her. Cody and Caroline are dating now too.

"Hey princess." I winked at her as always.

"Hey, Jakey." She flashed me a toothy grin while I rolled his eyes. I gave up on arguing with her about my nickname.

"How has your day been so far?"

"It has been quite exquisite."

"Don't use big words, it hurts my brain."

She chuckled with my comment. "Oops, my bad."

"It's ok"

Our conversation was cut short due to Mrs.P starting class. The rest of school flew by. I took longer in the locker room than normal. I hadn't told Brittany about meeting my family for the mere fact that she would freak out for no reason. I wanted to catch her off guard. After about fifteen minutes I walked out of the locker room.

"It's about time, slowpoke."

"Whatever princess" I rolled my eyes pretending to be annoyed but I couldn't help but smile.

"Let's go."

"Yeah, ok."

We walked to my motorcycle. Brittany has been riding on it a lot so I bought her a helmet that fits her properly. Mine was too big for her and it made me nervous. I didn't want anything to happen while on my bike and her crack her skull open. As soon as we left the school I took a right heading to my house.

I'm pretty sure I confused Brittany by taking a right considering you have to take a left to get to the library from school. I don't think she said anything because of a lecture I gave her about how talking distracts me while I drive my bike. I explained to her how it's a lot more dangerous than a car if you get in an accident. After a few minutes, we pulled up to my house. I parked my bike in the garage and turned it off.

Brittany looked at me with a shocked expression before stating, "This is not the library."

"Obviously princess. It's where I live" I replied in a 'duh' tone.


"I wanted you to meet my family." I gave her my biggest grin.

"Oh- Uhm, o-okay."

"Don't be nervous, they are excited to meet you."

"Oh really?" she raised her eyebrows at me.

"Well yeah, they want to meet the mysterious girl I always talk about."

"Oh, good to know that you talk about me." She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat.

We walked into my beautiful house. Brittany copied my moves taking her shoes off and putting them by mine. She followed me to the kitchen where my family was. They were all very excited to meet Brittany. As soon as they noticed us they introduced themselves.

"Hi, my name is Lucy, this is Chloe, Christian, my husband, and Tristen, whom you have already met." Mrs. Williams gave Brittany the biggest smile.

"It is very nice to meet all of you, Jacob speaks very highly of all of you."

"I would hope so." She gives me one of those 'you better' looks.

I decided to interject, "Well, we are going to go up to my room and work on our project."

"Ok dear, don't do anything to scare Brittany off before dinner."

"I would do no such thing."

Brittany giggled at my response to my mom and it made me so happy. I led her up the staircase to the second floor. I stopped right in front of my door, turning around and smiling at her before opening the door. Her jaw dropped as soon as she walked in.

She breathed out and exclaimed, "your room is beautiful."

I smirked, "Thanks, princess."

"Anytime Jakey."

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