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"Sonic! You're back!" Said Amy. She went to the blue hero and hugged him. "Thank you so much for saving me...." Sonic smiled. "No need to thank me, Ames." Everyone was glad that everyone was safe now.

"Please don't tell me you kicked his butt." Said Knuckles. "I did." Said Sonic. Knuckles groaned. "Awww, come on! That's supposed to be my job!" Blaze chuckled. "Wait.... Sonic? What's that on your shoe?" Asked Tails.

Sonic's eyes widen. 'DANG IT! I forgot all about that!' Sonic looked down at his bloody shoe. Sonic quickly came up with a lie. "I stepped in freaking ketchup while I was on my way here." He said.

Rouge rolled her eyes. "You too? That happened to me one time. It was so annoying." She said. Sonic had a nervous smile on his face. "Yeah...." He said. Amy frowned. "That's terrible! I can clean it for you if you want." The pink hedgehog offered.

"Thanks Amy, but I can do it myself." Sonic said with a smile. "So, that's what he was planning. To kidnap Amy!" Said Tails. Sonic nodded.

'And he won't be around to do it again.'


The next afternoon, Tails watched the news and he saw that Eggman has been murdered. The fox called all of his friends to tell them the shocking news.

Right now, everyone is at Tails' house. "Can you believe this, Sonic?!" Said Amy. Amy saw Sonic looking at her with half lidded eyes. "S-Sonic?" Said Amy. "Mmmmm~?" He said. "Why are you—" The door bell rung.

"Hell yeah! The pizza is here!" Knuckles said excitedly while getting up. "You ordered pizza!?" Said Tails. "Yeah! For everyone!" Said Knuckles. "Well, I am a little hungry..." Said the purple fire cat. "Me too." Said Sliver.

"Okay, why don't we talk about the main reason why we're here." Said the ultimate life form. "R-right!" Said Tails, completely forgetting about Eggman's death.

Sonic pretend to be shocked. "I can't believe this happened! Who would do this? I did want Eggman to get out of my life, but I didn't want him to die!" Everyone agreed with everything that Sonic said.

Knuckles came back with two boxes of pepperoni pizza, along with cheese sticks. Shadow faced palmed. "You didn't have to order all of this, knucklehead!" Knuckles just ignored the black and red hedgehog. Everyone got something to eat. "I'm really scared. What if there's a killer around here?" Said the worried pink hedgehog.

'There's no need to be afraid, my rose. I'll protect you from any danger~'

Rouge smiled. "Don't worry, hun, everything's going to be alright." The others nodded, agreeing with Rouge. Amy smiled

The pink hedgehog has no idea what's going to happen next in her life.

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