Chapter 23: I hate everybody. Period.

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"In time we hate that which we often fear."
~ William Shakespeare (Antony and Cleopatra)


"How did you discover that cave?" I asked as we made our way back, both our steps slow, trying to delay the part where we have to part. We keep finding ways to touch other as well. Sometimes Josh is steadying me or other times, I'm grabbing his hand to skip over a rock. It's certainly not necessary but neither of us mind. 

"I actually learned about it in our history class. There's a story associated with that place. Mr Blackwell was telling us the tale of this legendary warrior – I don't quite remember his name – who was wrongly detained right there in the dungeons. But the very night he was put in his cell was also the night his lover was about to be hung, for maintaining relations with the criminal. So, you know, the guy planned an escape, pulled a few tricks blah blah. 

He knew there was a way that led out of the dungeons. He followed it but got lost half-way and found the Cave of Jewelled Waters. So, ta-da! There you have it, the Cave. Anyways, upon hearing the story, I got curious, so I decided to check it out myself. I didn't actually think I would find anything. But I did and it sort of secret place, I guess. Nobody ever really comes down there. I never even told anyone about it, not even Kace and Vanessa." I looked over at Josh, surprised and pleased, only to see that he looked pretty surprised too. I chuckled.

"Did he save her?" I asked

Josh smiled. "Not her, him. That was another reason the guy, that is the lover, was about to be hung. They discovered he was homosexual and having extra-marital affairs with a criminal, of all people. Messed up, I know. Although later, the criminal and the lover guy became heroes when they saved the city from this huge scary demon attack."

"Okay, wow."

"This is only one of the thousands stories I could tell you. This one time a girl accidentally awakened the sea serpent from its slumber and then it went crazy, released a flood and started attacking everything."

"What?! There's a fricking sea serpent? B-but there's not even a sea here!"

"Pfft. Of course there is sea. How else would the mer-people survive? You have to travel really far up north to even get a glimpse of that endless stretch of blue. Maybe one day, if we ever have time, we can go there."

I smiled and admitted, "I'd like that. I've never seen the sea."

He looked at me and said seriously, "Then I promise to take you there, Ava. You must see it. It's beautiful." He paused. "But for now, we're here."

Startled, I looked around and realized that we were back to the floor where our rooms where. I sighed sadly. But before I could say my goodbye, a familiar figure abruptly stepped in front of us.

"Mr Blackwell," Josh said, surprise betraying his voice.

Mr Blackwell's eyebrows were scrunched together as he regarded us, that same look his eyes when he had brought us to his office when we were caught red-handed spying on the Council's meetings. Behind him, I caught another shadow. My eyes met the familiar ones of Cade, an evil smirk in his face. Of course, he must've seen us slip away from training and ratted us out. God, talk about Malfoy reincarnated.

Josh's gaze followed mine and realization dawned on him as well, only a slight dip of his lips showing that he was pissed. Malfoy-- oh, I mean, Cade mouthed behind Mr Blackwell, "I told you I'd get back at you."

"Your presence is no longer required, Mr Stone," Mr Blackwell said, not even turning to look at Cade.

"But, sir--" Cade protested.

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