Chapter 24: A visit to the past

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"It's hard being left behind. (...) It's hard to be the one who stays."
~ Audrey Niffenegger (The Time Traveler's Wife) 


Just as I swallowed down the drop of Mead, I thought I heard something, a sigh really and the faintest whisper of a familiar voice, "Oh Ava, what have you done?"

But that was all that happened. After that, everything was still and quiet. There was no whirlwind or magical golden light. I didn't quiet feel anything either, except, exasperated and hungry.

Until, quiet abruptly, I had the strange feeling of wind rushing through my veins. There was no other way to describe it. It was like, instead of blood, I had wind flowing through me. I felt it start from my feet and spread all the way up to my head, until I was choking and dizzy. I crumpled to the floor, unable to breath, speak or do anything.

But then the corner of my eyes caught sight of something. A glimmering golden thread. I turned my head to look at it but it disappeared but again materialized at the corner of my vision. I reached out to it, like it was calling me. The moment my hand brushed against it, strange visions rushed through me lightening fast. Someone was crying, somebody was dying, a hand was reaching out for another and a strawberry ice-cream?

Somehow, I knew they were memories – thousands of them and belonging to thousand different people. And then, just like that, the golden light increased along with the wind, until it felt like it was consuming me. I prayed it to consume me whole.


When I opened my eyes, I was standing inside my house. Except it looked newer and brighter. The walls still had that smell of new paint. I turned around, taking in the look of our living room. But when I did, I saw four people sitting on the velvet couches, a fire crackling in the hearth.

One was Mr Blackwell, still the same with his grey eyes, coat and slacks with his angel cane resting beside him. Sitting facing him were two other people I didn't know. One was a tall, beautiful woman with a slender figure with dark hair piled into a messy top bun. At least, she would've been slender if not for her bulging mid-section. She was dressed in a deep azure turtleneck and black slacks. She looked so elegant and pretty. 

Beside her was a guy wearing a white t-shirt that read 'I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!'  He had curly hair, a brown impish face that didn't quite bode well with his muscled arms. His features had that South-Asian -- specifically, Indian -- look. He wasn't smiling, but I could tell if he did, there would be dimples and smile wrinkles. In fact, nobody was smiling. They all looked to be in a deep, somber conversation. Somehow, they both looked unfamiliar yet it felt like I've known them my entire life.

"This is serious," Mr Blackwell was saying. "Do you not understand how dangerous the fate of the child would be?"

"We do, Patrick, which is why we need your help," the woman said, her voice cracking a little. "I could barely start to imagine the kind of life that would befall our child. But don't you see? It was too late before either of us realised who we were. Neither of us knew about our lineage. I-I can't a-abort this kid, Patrick. I haven't even seen her yet, but I already love her so much. I can't. Rick and I have already thought of a name too. Can you believe that?"

"No one is asking you to abort, Carla," Mr Blackwell said with a sigh. "But we'll have to find a way to keep the child hidden. At least, for some time. Her blood would call to her and there's only so long we would able to hide who she truly is. Once she knows, the rest of the world would know too. She is going to be really powerful, I hope you understand that. With both of your blood in her, she's going to be one extraordinary kid. She might even be able to bring back the powers of the original Elders that have long since gone dormant. But that is both a curse and a blessing. With that much power and strength, she would have as many enemies. Not to mention, she might not even be accepted by our own people. They might have forgotten it over the years, but when they see her and her capabilities, their fear would reawaken and so would their distrust. The sins of her ancestors would affect the poor child's life as well."

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