Meet Me In The Hallway.

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A/N: I know this might seem like it's moving fast... Just please think of it in a friendship way as of now, not anything more... Cause that's all this is right now!


What does a normal outfit consist of? A dress, and shoes? Jeans and a cute shirt? Sweatpants and a tshirt... Friends hanging out means.... Casual, but not too casual, but don't dress up? This is why I hangout with myself. Because Darlene doesn't give a shit if I wear jeans, leggings, or nothing at all... I look at myself in the mirror again. High rise jeans, and a soft pink short sleeved sweater, white belt to tie it all together.

This is good, wearing this will make it okay... But maybe I shouldn't go. He texted me an address, and I'm trying to pretend this is completely normal. Harry Styles, world famous star sending you his address you can go hangout with him and his friends... You work with people like him all the time... Wrong, you work for them, you write, sell them songs, and that's it... You don't hangout with them.

But it's time to go... Whether you're ready or not it's time for you to leave the comfort of your bedroom, and apartment, and get on your bike, and go... Now or never Darlene.. Now or never... How about never? NO! Man up, and walk out the door right now. The inner monologue, me going back and forth in my brain is tiring, and I know if I chose not to go I would be thinking about it the entire night... How many opportunities I could have missed out on... But while I'm there I know I'll be doing what I always do, questioning every move I make so I don't make a fool out of myself.

I look to the white cat who is napping on the couch, and I lean down, ruffling his fur a bit before standing back up. "I'll be home later tonight Bowie. I love you, don't cause any trouble." I warn the cat, and turn towards the door.

I trot down the stairs, my vans tight on my feet as I do, my backpack hanging on my shoulders as I walk out of the building and to the bike rack. I don't like cars, but I love bikes, love the wind in my hair, and the feeling of the breeze as I get to where I need to be going. I don't need to go here, but... Yes I do... This is going to be good for me. I can feel it, how good I'm going to feel after tonight.. Making friends... making memories, getting experience...

The sun is still in the sky but slowly sinking, and by the time I get to the address the sky is painted a pretty pink orange shade, and the sun is at a low. I put my bike on the driveway right next to the grass, and walk up to the front door. I pause before knocking on the door, questioning if it's too late to go home, but the door opens right before I can walk away.

"Are you... Darlene?" I look at the blonde man standing in front of me and nod, wondering if he thinks I was trying to leave. Say something!

"Darling.. Sorry, everyone just calls me Darling, not... not Darlene." I mumble, and place my hands on the straps of my bag, holding it for security.

"Darling... I like that. I'm Kid, S'nice to meet you, Harry told us about you.. We're all out back right now, just come on in." He waves his hand, and steps back, opening the door. I walk in through the door, and he closes it behind me. I look around the space, seeing how nice this house is... his house I'm assuming. Kid walks in front of me now, grabbing a drink from the counter which I assume is what he was in the house for in the first place. He walks straight through the house, and out of the back door going straight to a small patio, but walking past it. "Harry told us that you wrote for One Direction at some point?" He asks over his shoulder, and I nod.

"Yea... It was a long while ago..." I mumble, and he smiles over his shoulder.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asks, and my cheeks get hot.

"Um.. I'm just-"

"Stop harassing the girl, she's new here." I hear the familiar British accent, and notice where we are. There's a soft sound of waves, and someone trying to start a fire. Harry is sitting in a chair, his guitar in his lap, and there are chairs scattered around as well.

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