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A/N: I know there was already a chapter title for a song called Control but this is a different song, and it fits, and AHHHHH!!!!

Also I keep getting questions about if people can translate the story into other languages.. I'm honored that so many people want to translate my story, and I want more than anything to say yes but for right now the answer is no. No translations of any kind will be accepted.

The story isn't complete yet, and it's still so fresh, and growing so much so right now I don't feel comfortable with translating it. That doesn't mean never, it just means not right now.

I appreciate it more than anything though, and it makes me feel so much love, and appreciation knowing so many people from all around the world are reading my stories. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support...


I didn't have to leave the tour again, and I'm glad I didn't. We had some writing sessions on the road too. We finished up Watermelon Sugar, but it feels like somehow I can't get the backing track just right. Everytime I think I'm head over heels in love with the track he doesn't like it, he feels like something is missing, and everytime he starts to enjoy it, I don't feel satisfied. We got home two days ago, and the cats are more than relieved that we're home for good... I'm more than relieved. I wanted it, I wanted to leave, and to travel the world, but for some reason something felt off. He could tell.. Everyone could tell.

At first I told myself I was fine, that everything was fine because nothing in my mind was clicking. I was on a world tour with my cat, my boyfriend, and my friends. I'm successful in my dream job. I've written so many songs for so many people. This is what I wanted so why in the world would I be feeling the way I was? I still don't know why... I have no idea what's causing me to feel this way, but I don't want things to change.. I have to hold onto it because this is what I've always wanted... Healthy relationship, dream job... Why would I give it up?

"What're you doing?" He asks, and I snap my head over to him.

"Just thinking." I smile, and he gives me a soft half smile, but he looks concerned as he does.

"Alright..." He walks forward towards the couch with a sigh, and sits next to me, pulling one of his legs up as he faces me. "What's going on Darling? I thought... After you got back when we were on tour I thought you just needed time to adjust. A month went by, and we had a good time, but something wasn't right... You seem off, seemed distant.. You have the entire tour, and then I told myself that when we get home things will go back to normal, but... but things are still off.. I'm worried about you, I just... You're scaring me.." He tells me, and his voice is almost shaking, almost like he fears my answer.

"I didn't see what anyone was talking about first... About how I was acting, how I am acting.. I see it now, I feel it now, but... but I don't know.." I shrug, and speak in full honesty.

"It's not me? Is it? You don't want to... You don't want to break up? I'll fix it, whatever I need to do better I'll fix it baby, I promise." He speaks out, not sounding desperate but eager, ready to fix it. He can't though.

"It's not you... It's not anything you're doing, you're perfect.. As close to perfect as anyone could be. I don't know what it is. I don't know why I feel this way I think... I think maybe..." I shake my head as I stop speaking, and look down at my hands.

"Maybe what? Talk to me..." He places his hand on top of mine, and I sigh again.

"When I was gone for that month... So much happened, some things I haven't even told you about... I just..." It's hard to find words, it's been hard to find words when things get serious like this. Unless we're carefree, and hanging out I feel like I can't speak right now.

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