Chapter 13 - first touches

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Charlottes Point of View

"That's beautiful," slipped out of my mouth as Lucinda reached out of the pool, amongst her very many tattoos was a woman taking up the majority of the length of Lucinda's back. She looked like Lucinda, but this tattooed version had a zipper face as it was opened halfway revealing the muscular features under the skin. In the center of the woman's chest laid a crescent moon, I didn't have very long to look as Lucinda dropped back in the water the moment I made the comment.

"Don't comment on my body," I barely heard her say and I could read in the way Lucinda turned around covering herself with her arms that she was feeling self-conscious which made me feel awful.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Don't it's fine," she sighed and I took a step away feeling like I'd pissed her off, my whole body tingled as her hand found mine under the water. "Your mascara is running." Pulling me closer I closed my eyes as she held my cheek in her hand, swiping under my eye gently as a wave of emotion ran over me.

"There," Lucinda dropped her hand from my cheek and I opened my eyes, squeezing her hand gently before letting go. Quickly without having control of my body I shut my eyes and kissed Lucinda's neck.

I felt her sharp intake of breath and fast clench on my forearm, "Charlotte... Fuck..." kissing down to her collarbone I pulled myself up against her, sliding my hands down her sides to her hips and holding them as I sucked lightly on her skin. I felt like my body was on fire as I heard a moan break from Lucinda's lips.

Running her fingers up my stomach I tensed with anticipation as she brushed over my nipple, massaging my breast tenderly before pushing against my chest. Removing herself from me, my heart dropped.

"I'm not fucking gay Charlotte! What the fuck-" Lucinda screamed at me covering her face in her hands before shoving me hard, "I'm not interested in women, do you fucking hear me-"

"I'm not fucking interested in women either! I'm just interested in you! You fucking listen for a change-" Angry and on the verge of tears, I pulled myself out of the bath, "if you're going to have me fired then just do it now because I didn't feel like what that just was, was something wrong. I know you and Drake have been planning to get rid of me anyway, so if this is it do like you normally do and get Beth to pass on your message and tell me to fly home."

Without even hearing another word or grabbing a towel or even my clothes I got out of there, dripping in my Calvin kline underwear all the way back to my room.

Throwing on a robe I had left on the four-poster bed, my pulse was so high I could feel my head throbbing.

This was the end.

I've ruined everything, this is it.

Clipping my wet hair up, I paced the length of the bed. Repressing my biggest desire to smash something.

"You don't ever leave a discussion like that!" Lucinda came in with a warning tone to her lowered voice.

Excepting my fate, I sat on the side of the bed in front of her.

"Look at me. Please."

Wakened and surprised by the sincerity in Lucinda's voice I raised my eyes off the ground to see her feet from me wrapped in her Versace robe, "What do you mean Drake and I are going to get rid of you?" she asked with a disturbed expression.

"I overheard him before in the gardens talking to everyone about how the brand is going to 'Reshape' and the whole 'in with the new out with the old shit." Winding down from my adrenaline rush I sighed, tucking my calves under my thighs. After a moment Lucinda came over and sat with me on the bed.

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