Chapter 15 - virgins guilt

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Bethany stared at Lucinda questioning everything she'd ever known about her, "How the fuck did that happen? You're hardcore catholic?! I mention a second of something gay-ish and you chew me out for it."

Bethany's throat dried as Lucinda's cold blue eyes glared a hellfire threw her, "I asked due to your experience in this area. Don't try and use that judgmental tone on me again, now have you heard of something like this? Someone not having any past interest in the same sex but having an exception to a singular person?"

The room fell silent and Bethany found herself at war with her choice of words, "I'm not judging you. I'm the last person who could, you know I respect you and I will sign a confidentiality contract if you doubt my loyalty. I honestly haven't heard of it before, there is normally inklings for the sex in general..." Bethany paused hesitant of her hushing thoughts that came bubbling out, "I am really sorry you feel like this though. To take someone's first kiss and virginity without knowing until later must be-"

"I didn't take her virginity Bethany-" Lucinda sighed rubbing her temples as she lent against the workbench, "It was one-sided. After I found out... I... I just couldn't on top of already destroying everything I believe in... I just used her."

Bethany's stomach dropped to see Lucinda so distraught. It was shocking enough to have Lucinda confide in her but to see this actually affecting Lucinda so much broke Bethany's heart. Knowing she isn't a physical or openly emotional person Beth kept her distance.

"She spoke to be about you, you know?"

Lucinda's hands clenched the bench behind her as that caught her attention.

"I know it's TMI but in the saunas at the Versace Mansion I was being a hoe and when Charlotte asked about sexuality I knew for sure she was talking about liking you. I, ah..." Gesturing down with her fingers, "tried to go, down south on her..." Beth put her arms out as Lucinda looked instantly pissed off at her, "she said no obviously! I freaked her out. She adores you Lucinda. Now you two have... you know gotten closer, she's gonna be crushing pretty hard so with respect. You should work this out before someone get hurt-"

"Thank you that's quite enough, I hear what you're saying. I'll see you at the lunch appointment, remember to bring my files from my apartment. Thank you, Bethany." Lucinda dismissed, tossing keys that Beth caught mid-air. Beth understood and gave her a comforting smile on her way out.

Alone in the workshop Lucinda tried concentrating on finishing her work, music blaring to drown out her thoughts but today it just wasn't working. Placing her pen down on the workbench she got up, wandering down the narrow hallway to the concealed door. Standing in the doorway, she stared at the roughed sheets of the bed.

Flashes of Charlotte's innocent smile came to her mind. Reliving last night made Lucinda smirk with fondness. Touching her fingers to her mouth as she remembered the sweet taste of Charlotte's lips, part of her longed for it but the other had her hand dropping to her side.

Guilt overcoming her she slammed the door, locking it.


"Garden salad please," Charlotte ordered from Olio E Piu lunch menu before flashing a polite grin to the waitress before she left with everyone's order.

"You are defiantly going to have a try of my mushroom ravioli. Splurge a little Charlotte, garden salads are so bland." Drake spoke from the end of the table giving her a playful look and Charlotte beamed patting her stomach.

"Not all of us have such good luck with naturally fast metabolism like you."

Laughing Drake stood, straightening his baby blue suit jacket before taking up the Champaign bottle from the middle of the table in his hand, "you're too sweet Charlotte, at least have some of this. I'd hate to drink most of it myself despite your faith in my mighty metabolism. My wife might get upset if I start popping out of my suit."

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