Chapter 2: ..To the core.

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September 28th, 1998 8:23 p.m.

You looked over at Jill who held a sad expression her face as she looked back at you, a worried one on yours. You decided to finally speak up to her, your voice low and calm.

"Are you okay? Any injuries?"

You just wanted to look out for your new friend. You really didn't know what else to call her, but she seemed nice so it worked in your head.

"Yeah, I'm alright. No injuries, you?"

"Same here."

After your brief conversation, you two walked forward a little. You came around the corner to see a body leaning against the wall, sitting on the ground. As you got closer, you saw it was a police officer and he was dead. There in its limp hand was a pistol, and Jill took it. As she checked how much ammunition was in it, she quietly apologized. You couldn't blame her though, that gun belonged to a working officer to then be drug down into this hell and die. Must've been a rough way to go. 

You both seemed to jump a little when you heard the bang of the door swing open. Turning around, the two of you saw infected pour out from the building so you booked it around the corner. You ran until you had to stop because of a giant sign labeled 'Crazy' came almost crashing upon you. This didn't stop you, you both crawled underneath once you knew it was safe. This meant nothing was gonna follow you now from that alley, which put some relief over you. You both headed left into where? A door that went through to another alley. It was at least more safe than wandering the streets. You shut the door behind you when you heard a man speak through a radio from above.

"You two down there! Head to the parking garage roof!"

You looked up to see it was a helicopter, if it wasn't obvious from the loud whirring of the engine and propellers. So you two listened and made your way to the parking garage. Now given you usually stayed on the opposite side of the city, you followed Jill because she seemed like she knew the city pretty well. 

Jill slowly stopped as she got in front of metal door, you lingered behind her and quickly pulled your knife from your bag. Jill looked back at you, smiling a little knowing you came prepared. She opened the door and you both got ready to draw your weapons. Then you saw a man, a non-infected man.

"Sir, are you alright?" Jill asked stepping closer, you following along.

"Stay back! Don't come any closer!" He said, stepping back as you both drew nearer. He seemed irrational, probably not thinking straight. Jill tried to rationalize with him, speaking in a calm voice.

"Hey, there's a helicopter waiting to take us all to safety."

The man ran towards a large metal shipping container, climbing in as he spoke.

"What safety? I'm not going out there!"

You and Jill both looked at each other, concerned and confused. This is when you decided to speak up to him. Though, he already locked himself inside the container. Couldn't hurt to try, right?

"The parking garage isn't far, we'll take you there."

You said, moving forward towards the container this way you could hear him better.

"The only safe place is in here!" He shouted back at you, leaving you to sigh softly. Jill came up by your side, placing a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at her as she spoke softly.

"As a cop it hurts to say this, but some people just can't be saved. He's not worth trying to negotiate."

You looked at the door to the container and back at Jill before nodding a little. You knew it hurt Jill just as much as it hurt you as you two walked away and out the door of the building.

When the door swung open, you were met with barking. Dogs? Out here? You could only imagine what kind of dog you would see, but it almost broke your heart when you and Jill saw demonic hounds, pounding at the gate on your left. You both quickly scuttled away to a broken fence that blocked your exit. Jill almost immediately started to crawl under and you watched her go out the other side no problem. She remained crouched down as you did as well on your end.

"C'mon, you got this. It's clear on my side, you got time." Jill said, giving you words of encouragement. 

You managed to man up and take a deep breath. You slipped your knife into your bag, beginning your crawl. You got almost to the end when one of those infected lunged its head through a hole in the fence, growling and groaning loudly at you. You yelped a little before crawling faster, Jill taking your hand and pulling you out in the process. You caught your breath before thanking her briefly and continuing your walk.

 You found the parking garage in front of you two and walked in. You made it to the elevator and stood behind Jill as she pressed the button. As soon as the door opened, an infected lunged out at Jill and tried to bite her. You sprung into action immediately, forcing the monster off of her and onto the ground. Before you two could say anything, a few more of them came out of the elevator. This caused the two of you to back up, drawing out your weapons. You went around and out of Jills aim for her gun so she wouldn't hit you. You went to the infected that was just getting up off the ground and kicked it over, causing it to grunt. You went full force and stabbed it in the head with your knife, pulling it back out afterwards. You watched it for a few seconds before calling it dead. That's when the gunshots from Jill stopped, causing you to turn around. You saw all the monsters dead as Jill approached.

"You good?" She asked and you nodded slightly as a reply. She saw the monster dead on the ground with the bloody knife in your hand. She nodded as she looked at you. It was like a parent proud of their childs work....if their child just killed an undead monster.

Jill once again, pressed the button for the elevator, you both now on your toes. When it opened, you both sighed of relief as nothing was there and put away your weapons. The two of you walked in as you hit the button for the garage roof. This was when Jill decided to strike up some conversation.

"You fought very well this past hour, what's your name anyway?"

You glanced over at her, seeing her await your response.

"Oh, its um Y/N.."

"Y/N huh? That's a nice name." She said, smiling a little.

You smiled a little yourself before replying, "Thanks....Jill, wasn't it?" You asked, just being sure.

"Yup, must've heard it through conversation, yeah?"

"Mhm, from Brad, right?"

Jills face softened a little "Yeah....yeah from Brad"

You remembered what happened with Brad and your face too softened.

"Sorry about Brad, you two seemed to know each other really well. He seemed like a nice guy." You said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, he was. Me and him worked for the police together for a while now. He was one of my best friends."

You nodded at her, smiling a little.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be looking down saying your doing a great job trying to protect the city." 

You two looked at each other and smiled as the elevator dinged to signal they were at the roof. You both stepped out to be greeted with a bright light coming from the helicopter from before.

"Hey! We're down here!" Jill shouted up at them as you waved an arm up, signaling for them to hopefully land. The both of you went around the corner to see the helicopter down where you both could get on. Just as freedom was at your reach, its tail end exploded. This caused it to spin widely out of control and into some exploding barrels. This sent both you and Jill flying and landing into the side of a car. As you quickly gain your bearings and stand up, you see something that terrified you to the core.

((Ooooo! Cliffhanger ;) Hope you enjoyed that chapter because it was quite interesting writing it. Can't make any promises that I'll post another tonight since these take so long to write, but I'll talk to you again when that comes out, bye! - Galaxy        Words: 1,430))

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