Chapter 6: Through the Fire and Flames

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As you ran down the hall, Jill shouted to get the creatures attention,

"Hey creepy-ass stalker! You want S.T.A.R.S? We'll give you S.T.A.R.S.!"

You both started to bolt to wherever these hallways and doors lead you. Just as long it was away from the station.

You kept running when you popped into what could only be a storage room of some kind. You both raced to the other side, only to be met with no door. You panicked a little as you spotted a vent with no bolts on it. You could hear the booming footsteps of the creature, so you thought fast. After good minute of kicking it, the vent came open and you had your exit. Jill put you first, given you were a bit smaller than her. Busting open another vent, you both dropped to the floor below. Continuing to run, you both went through an open metal door before closing- and locking it behind you. You both thought it was safe for the time being, so Jill took out her radio.

"Carlos, do you copy? Carlos!" She said, him not responding back to her. "Shit.."

"Are we too far down?" You asked as you both started walking.

"Afraid so, we'll be on our own for a while." You nodded as you faced ahead and continued forth.

Walking through the first room you saw, Jill found a map of the area. At least you knew where you were at.....and that was the sewers. You could only imagine how much 'fun' you'll be having down here.

Continuing down some hallways and stairs, you found your way forward.....which wasn't what you were expecting. It was a small slope that lead into the nasty sewer water, seeming like the only way given the previous door was locked. So you both slid down and groaned once you hit the bottom. You headed forward, careful not ingest anything while you walked. Using the map, you managed to find a ladder that had a door that wasn't locked and needed a battery pack. You walked through he door, happy to be on solid ground again and were met with a lab-like room. Walking around, you spotted a battery pack and were relieved you both could continue on your way.

Traveling through the sewers once more, Jill had found a grenade-like launcher so you obviously took it. Making your way back to the locked doors, the only one you could get to was the one after the slope. So you put the battery pack in and walked through the door.

Heading down a short hallway to take a turn into a slightly open area, you explored the area around you. Most of the ways were back to the beginning or to places you've already been, so that made it easier to determine where you needed to go.

You both made your way back to the beginning where the slope was, seeing a door you hadn't opened. You assumed it was the proper way forward, so you progressed through it.

Walking up a set of stairs, Jill pulled out her radio to try and get ahold of someone- if they even could.

"Carlos, can you hear us now?" Jill asked, both of you hoping for his voice to come through.

"Jill! Y/N! Oh thank god, everything okay?"

"Yeah, we're alive. We lost it." You said, piping in to talk.

"Great, the subway is ready to go. We'll leave as soon as you both get back."

"Roger." Jill said simply before putting it away as you approached a ladder. 

You both climbed up, Jill going first to make sure it was okay. Before Jill could say it was okay as soon as she got up, you heard her yell out.

You sprung up the ladder as fast as you could, seeing what caused her to yell.

Then you saw that bastardly creature again.

You saw it point what could only be a flame thrower at her, and growled lowly before yelling at it.

A New Found Humanity (RE: 3 Remake Book) (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora