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"Dumb fucking alpha!" His attention is grabbed by a familiar voice— for once not yelling at him. "What the fuck makes you think you can touch me!"

Walking around the corner on his way to class he watches Taehyung yell at an upperclassman. Maybe the hate isn't just focused on him, maybe the omega really hates all alpha's.

"C'mon omega, share some of that sugar you—"

The alpha's words are cut off by the harsh sound of skin slapping skin making Jungkook's eyes widen while the surrounding people look horrified.

Taehyung slapped an alpha.

"Little bitch!" The guy spits, going to hit back but Jungkook rushes forward, and pushes the man away.

"Fuck off." He snaps before grabbing the omega and dragging him off and away from all the watching eyes. Much to the elder's protest. 

"Are you dumb!" He then scolds. "You should never hit an alpha! What if he decided to beat you up?!"

"I'd like to see him try." The omega scoffs. "Now let me go, I don't need your help."

Jungkook sighs before walking off. He really can't handle the stubborn man. He's going to actually snap someday.

Once in class he takes a seat next to Jimin and groans. "I think I hate Taehyung."

"I hate this Hoseok guys, those guys really seem to think they can treat us like we're omega's." The shorter mutters angrily only for Jungkook to nod.

"I hate them so much, if only I could—"

"Shush, there's Taehyung."

They look at the omega taking his seat next to Namjoon who looks as calm as ever. "I'm going to kill him one day." He mutters before grabbing a pen as they wait for the teacher to arrive.

"Hoseok joined the dance team, said Taehyung might join as well."

"No, god no. The dance team is my only escape." He sighs. "If he joins I'm going to rip my dick off."

"Don't you need it to have—"

"I wasn't serious you dumb flea collection." He snaps only for Jimin to growl and punch him on the shoulder.

"Why is Namjoon such a good omega? And his two friends not?"

"I don't know but Namjoon has always been very calm. As kid he was expected by his family to become an alpha, thought he always told me he'd be an omega. Turns out he was right, his personality had always been calm. He thinks before he speaks and doesn't like conflict which why it surprises me that he's friend with those two rascals."

Jungkook frowns. "I think it's exactly why he's friends with them. He keeps them grounded, those two brats would probably get in a whole lot more trouble if it wasn't for him."

"Might be true but I think they share a lot of the same morals and view on the alpha-omega relationship."

He just shrugs. "I saw them talking to an alpha yesterday, they didn't seem to hate the guy so what are we doing wrong?"

"They were? Then what the fuck are we doing wrong? I had barely opened my mouth and that Hoseok guy already hated me."

Jungkook frowns deeper before shaking his head. "They're just spoiled brats, yesterday I said Taehyung need to apologise and he did eventually. They're not so though as they seem."

"Where is this fucking teacher." Jimin groans as he looks at his watch. "He's already ten minutes late."

"Maybe he got stuck in traffic." He suggest but Jimin shrugs. "Whatever, I'm leaving. We can go to study hall."

They get up to leave only to be greeted with Namjoon and a grumpy as ever Taehyung. "Mind if we join?"

"No, come along." Jimin says and Jungkook sighs, not feeling like having another fight with Taehyung. It's exhausting.

In the study hall much to the two alpha's horror they meet with Hoseok and another alpha.

"Good morning." Namjoon greets and Jimin and Jungkook share a look before taking a seat. Only to receive a smile as the elder alpha introduces himself.

"Hello guys, I'm Kim SeokJin."

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