Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven: It was your choice.


"Scar," someone shook me, I opened my eyes to see Chase sitting on the edge of the bed. "Wake up, it's 1:45 A.M."

"Chase, are we back to this mystery routine?" I whined.

"Yes, now wake up and come with me," he whispered, standing up.

I got up from the bed, "you realize that we have to wake up in five to six hours, right?"

"Scarlett, just come with me!" He yell-whispered. I rolled my eyed as I followed him.

We went down the stairs, and he led me to the backyard, where he prepared a tent for us, and the moon shone down at us.

"I've always loved our conversations in the AM," Chase spoke. "I've always loved the feeling of you, me, and the moon."

"Stop," my voice cracked. "Stop acting like this, I don't want to forgive you, I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to look at you, you really hurt me and I'm through, I'm done with your bullshit! You really think that you're going to get your way, huh? Well, no! Never think of us again, because it'll never happen. Should've believed those dark people who kept telling me to let go from the start, because nothing lasts forever. Only a couple of months till I'm allowed to leave this house, and I'll be on my way."

I let the tears fall, I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"There's only so much that I can take, and I can't love you again, I've loved you once, and I'm trying to hate you."

"Trying to hate me?" Chase looked up. "Scar, I never meant to hurt you, when I found out that-"

He stopped himself, he was going to tell me about the secret he's been hiding, and I stood there, waiting for him to continue.

"We pretended that we were friends, but we knew that it could turn to a mess, and it did. When you left... I tried calling you every night, I almost called you, because I couldn't stop thinking of you," I said. "I left you a message saying that it'll always be you, but you're not worth it anymore. Nothing stays the same, so what we had in the past won't come back, and what you're trying to do now, won't be happening, because I refuse to let it happen, I refuse to get hurt again."

"Let's take it slow," he whispered. "I don't ever want to let you go again, I can't deal with the pain again."

"It was your choice, Chase, you did this to me," I sobbed. "It'll only make things worse if we tried to bring it back."


"You lied to me," Chase entered my bedroom, without knocking.

"When did I lie to you?" I asked.

"You told me you're over him," he mumbled.

"Over who? I'm confused," I sat up from my bed, placing the book I was reading on the nightstand.

"You told me that you needed time," he hissed. "I can't have a girlfriend who constantly lie to me!"

"WHEN DID I LIE?" I yelled. "EXPLAIN!"

"YOU FUCKED MY COUSIN BEHIND MY BACK!" He screamed, tears streamed down his face.

"I didn't," I shook my head. "I didn't sleep with your cousin, Chase! I told you when we got together, I said that I'd never break your heart."

"Why would she lie to me, huh Scarlett? Why?" He sat on my bed, burying his head in between his hands and placed it on his knees.

"Who?" I asked. "You know that wasn't what happened, right? You said you'd believe me!"

"My mom, Scar, why would my mom lie to me?" He looked at me, his eyes were red and puffy.

"I swear on my life that I didn't cheat on you, and will never cheat on you," I said. "I don't know why would your mother say such a thing, but if you want to believe your mother: then please, do so."

"Fuck you, Scarlett."

Flashback ends

"Now why I know why she lied to me," Chase looked down. "You won't find it a good reason, but it protected you."

"I can't live in secrets, Chase," I looked down. "I blamed myself for you not being here with your family, I distanced myself from everyone, and now you're keeping secrets from me?"

"I'm sorry," he said. "Time will reveal them."

"You said you cared," I sobbed. "You told me that you'd never hurt me, you said that you'd always be there for me! What happened when your cousin almost raped me? I didn't cheat on you, and you know that!"

"My cousin made a mistake," he said.

"Your cousin has to be in jail, but your father convinced me not to report him to the police," I stood up. "When did you protect me, Chase?"

"Because your half brother works in a police station."




Didn't want to make this book long, so secrets are going to keep on coming! (Maybe not).


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