Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty: give me your back.


It's been three days ever since I moved in with Noah, and until now; I haven't heard from Chase. I tried reaching out to him but he either ignores my calls or doesn't use his phone anymore. I'm sure that it's the first choice.

"I am going to Chase's," I told Noah who was sitting on the couch watching the tv.

"And leaving your brother alone?" He looked at me. Ever since I moved here, he kept trying to convince me not to go to Eleanor and Joey's house, and I felt like he's doing it on purpose, which was annoying.

"You've been alone for years," I shrugged.

"What about if we watched a movie together?" He suggested.

"Noah, I am going to their house," I said.

"I don't want you to go there anymore," he said. "I don't want you to see them anymore, forget about them."

Was he serious?

"Noah, are you serious? I move in with you and that's it? You turn into a monster," I raved, this dude right here was pissing me off.

"I am serious, Scarlett, you forget about them, and I am not a monster; I'm just doing the right thing," he said.

What right thing is he doing?!

"The right thing? Where is the right thing when we are talking about the people who raised me and welcomed me in their family, when you were not there?" I defended. "Forget the people who stood with me through everything and never left my side? Forget the people who considered me as their family, but I was so dumb that I believed that I needed a blood related family!"

"I'm not going to argue with you anymore," he shrugged. "Like I said, you're not allowed to see them anymore."

"Or what?" I challenged him.

"Or you'll be punished," his eyes showed anger. "I'm the responsible one here, and so I am saying that you are NOT allowed to see them anymore, do I make myself clear?"

"No, because I am going to see them," I was so mad that I could punch him. "You're not my father, I moved here three days ago and you're already telling me what to do."

"Because I know what's good for you," he argued.

"No, you don't! Are you my mother?!" I yelled. "If you were, please tell me because all this time I thought she was dead."

"Oh, god," he groaned. "Scarlett, go to your room."

"No, I'm going to Chase's house, and you cannot stop me," I opened the door, and walked away. He yelled a couple of things, but I was too stubborn to listen.

Who did he think he was to tell me that I'm not allowed to go there?


Arriving at Chase's house, I knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing a shirtless Leo. "Scar! We've missed you!"

"I missed you more," I hugged Leo.

"We thought you'd come by two days ago, but you didn't," Leo pouted.

"I'm here now," I smiled slightly.

"What's wrong? Oh, come in!" He opened the door widely, and allowed me in.

"Nothing's wrong," I shrugged.

"If you're having any problems, you'd tell me, right?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Right," I nodded, looking down. "Are the fam here?"

"Not at the moment," he shook his head. "But you can wait for them."

"Even Chase?" I asked.

"I knew that you came here for him," Leo smirked. "He's upstairs in his room, just be careful, he's in a bad mood."

When was he not?

I climbed up the stairs and to Chase's bedroom that was near my old bedroom. I knocked on the door and heard a come in, so I opened the door to see a shirtless Chase. What was up with boys being shirtless?

"Scarlett," his eyes widened.

"Remember me?" I joked.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came here for you," I replied. "We haven't talked ever since I moved out, is something bothering you?"

"Not at all," he shook his head. "Just busy with... stuff you know."

"Is it about me moving out from this house? I thought we talked about this," I wondered.

"Not everything's about you," he huffed. "Like I said, I am busy."

"I guess Noah was right," I mumbled.

"Right about what?" He asked.

"Nothing," I shrugged, making my way to the door.

"Tell me, he was right about what?!" He growled.

"That I should stop coming here," I said. "Stop seeing you, and now I agree with him; because you're treating me like sh*t!"

"You're giving your back to the family that raised you?" He scoffed. "Way to go, Scarlett."

"I will see them, I will still keep in touch with them, only if they want to," I glared at Chase. "I won't waste my time trying to stay in touch if the other person gives up."

"You staying here was a waste of time," he said. "If only my mom told you about your brother sooner."

"Why are you acting like that? What did I do?" I gasped.

"You left me, that's what you did," he frowned. "Now go, leave me again, give me your back because you've already stabbed mine."


First of all, yes I turned Noah evil, because why not?

Second of all, Chase is acting like a girl what it do?

Third of all, do you guys really think Scarlett is just going to forget about her family? She's not that bad.

Thank you 🙏

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