Chapter 23

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Dave's POV

Chloé looks like she's about to throw up then she runs across the hall to the toilet. I'm surprised by how she knows where that is. Maybe it's because her house is structured that way too. I follow her and help her pull out her hair.
"Are you okay" I ask. She doesn't answer me then she stands up to rinse her mouth.

"Can you drop me back at school" she finally says avoiding the question but I don't refuse. On our way back she asks me what school I'm going to.

"With all that happened I need to stay close to home so I'm going to university of west Georgia" I say. She looks shocked. "Me too" she murmurs. Now it's my time to look shocked.

"I thought you wanted to go far away?" I ask her. "I wanted to but I changed my mind" she replies then the car becomes quiet. I reach for her hands and intertwine our fingers as I drive into the school's parking lot.

"I have to tell you something you" she says removing her hands. "Something happened between us at that party you took me to." She says and I clear my throat. "You remember?" I ask.

"Why won't I remember. You took my virginity!" She yells. She gets angry real quick. "I'm sorry. We were both drunk." I apologize.

"Did you use protection?" She asks me. I never thought about it but I guess not since I didnt plan it. I shake my head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't. It was a foolish mistake." I say. She covers her face and I realize she was crying. "Well that foolish mistake left me pregnant"

Did I just hear her right? She's pregnant?! Is that why she was vomiting?! Holy shit! "You're pre-pregnant" I stutter. "Yes"

"Please can you leave my car. I need to go" I say to her. I'm not ready to me a father. I'll be 18 next week. I need to clear my thoughts.

"So that's it then..." she starts saying "....we should have gone home when you realized I was drunk and not to take me upstairs."

"Are you trying to pin this on me? If I drove you home we would have probably died cause I was equally drunk. You're the one that wanted to drink!" I yell. No one should put this all on me.

"Please leave" I say. Just before she comes down she asks something. "Does this mean we're over?"

I don't want to break up with her. I just want to clear my head. I ignore her and once she comes down, I drive away. How can she be pregnant?!

Later that day
I have been driving all over Georgia until I realized how late it was. Rielle will be home, worried so I quickly head back home.

When she sees me she runs to me and hugs me. "Where have you been. It's almost 7pm" she asks looking worried. "I went to meet Chloé"
I lie. Well it isn't completely lying cause I did see her today.

"So do you know she's pregnant?" Wait. How did she know. "Molly told me" she answers like she read my mind.

"Yes I know and I don't know what to do about it" I say. I took a drive but I couldn't stop thinking about Chloé's pregnancy. I'm about to go to college and I still want to have fun and live my life but a baby will change that.

"What do mean? You're going to be an adult soon. You'll be a great dad Dave. You always look out for me. Isn't that what a father is meant to be. I know you won't be like dad." She says.

That's exactly my fear. My mom used to say I'm just like my dad. My face, my attitude, everything. And I'm afraid I'll take the bad traits too. It's better for that child to be taken care of without the kind of father my dad was to us.

"Who told you that?" I say. I've made my decision to stay away. "You're so dumb if you think that way. Didn't you see how you were with Lucy and how you are with me. Even to mom. You took care of all of us. You have a kind heart. You'll only be like dad if you stay away from your baby. If your child grows up with that emptiness of not having a father" she says.

She's just eleven and she talks with so much wisdom. "I have to go" I say to her and grab my keys. "To Chloe's?" She asks and I nod a yes. I need to make things right.

When I get to Chloe's house, Maya opens the door looking like she's going to strangle me. She probably already knows what happened.

"What do you want?" She says coldly. "I just want to have a word with Chloe" I say but she refuses to let me in.

"It's okay. Come in Dave" I hear Chloé says. She opens the door wider and I see Chloé. Her eyes are red and swollen from her crying. Maya goes upstairs, leaving us alone in the parlor.

"I'm sorry for..." I start to say but I'm cut off. "I'm tired! I'm tired of hearing sorry. Do you want anything to do with your child or not!" Chloé screams. I'm taking aback by her reaction but I understand her. She never wanted for any of this to happen and all I do is to keep hurting her.

"I want everything to do with that child Chloé. Our child. I want everything to do with you. No matter what happens you'll always be my magnet and I'll always come back to you. I want us to raise that child together. I'm never leaving you alone this time" I say softly.

She starts to sob and I pull her into a hug. "You'll never leave me?" She asks unsure that I'll break her heart again. "I promise" I say to her. She pulls out of the hug and kisses me but just as she's about to stop I deepen the kiss.

Okay! They're back together. I hope they'll not drift apart soon. Sigh. Raising a child isn't easy. Fate definitely put Lucy in their way.
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