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[Oscar's pov]

I talked to Cuchillos about last night's antics and we figured there's only one thing left to do. Cesar has to kill Latrelle. The Prophet$ shouldn't retaliate since one of their boys rolled up on us first. Never fuck with the Santos.

I woke up to go check on Cesar. He's probably still shaken up from last night.
"Hey mano, you good?" I knocked a couple of times before walking into his room but he wasn't in there. I told this fool not to go anywhere. It's too dangerous for him to be out in the open right now but I have an idea of where he might be.


I pulled up to his school. Guilt shadowed over me remembering what happened the last time I was here. I didn't know where I was going exactly but I knew what I was doing. Looking for Cesar. First I saw Martinez but he looked around then ran off pretending he was in a rush but I knew he wasn't. Bitch. I looked around for a bit unsure of where to start. Then I saw her. Kindness. She was standing at her locker. I quickly turned around before she saw me but then I remembered I still haven't found Cesar. So I slowly made my way over and I could feel my heart start to pound. What if she doesn't forgive me?
"Hey." I said as she closed her locker. She looked up at me and gave me a faint smile. "Have you seen Cesar?" I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible. She softly shook her head. I never thought i'd say this but I sorta miss her smile. Not this fake one she's tryna play off as a real one. "Well if you see him, can you let him know i'm looking for him?" She nodded and turned to leave. I can't let her leave. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. I hate this whole silent treatment bullshit she's giving me. "About the other day I-"
"I have to get to class." She interrupted before I could finish. She gave me another faint smile and left. I don't like this side of her. Then as if it were on cue Cesar shows up. He tried to hide but I already seen him.
"Cesar!" He walked over to acting surprised to see me.
"Oscar, what are you doing here?" He dragged out my name but I just signalled for him to follow me back to the car.
"You don't have to say it." Cesar said as I slammed my door shut.
"Well i'm gonna say it. What the hell were you thinking coming here?"
"I didn't think it mattered." He looked upset so I decided to drop it. I took him to the beach to ease his mind before I give him his orders. We bought burgers and just sat in the sand talking about random stuff. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cherish these kind of moments with my brother. I feel like life just moves so fast that we barely get a chance to sit and talk.
"So have you talked to Kindness lately?" He asked after swallowing his mouthful.
"Why's that?" I could feel that same guilt shadow over me again.
"She doesn't hang out with us anymore. Not even Jamal and everyone knows those two were basically joined at the hip... and I saw you sitting with her at the game." He finished his burger and I could see him looking at me through the corner of my eye.
"I said some things to her." I let out. The last thing I wanna do right now is lie.
"Did you tell her you don't like her or something?" I started to get annoyed with this conversation.
"Why does everyone think I hate her?!" Cesar got a fright from the way I yelled which was unintentional. I'm just sick of people assuming I don't like her.
"You're not exactly subtle." He shrugged.
"I don't hate her... I just thought I did..." He looked at me confused. Honestly I was confused too. One minute Kindness annoyed the shit outta me, the next my palms were sweating and my heart was racing. Annoyed with the  topic I got up and checked the time.
"Time to go mano." I was honestly done with talking about Kindness. Plus it was time for Cesar to get rid of his problem not talk about mine.


We got to the park where Latrelle was hanging with some of his friends. I reached over to the glovebox and opened it for Cesar. He saw the gun and looked back at me terrified.
"You want me to..."
"It's the only way." Just then I saw a little kid approach Latrelle so I quickly shut the glovebox and drove off. He got lucky this time. "Tonight. I'll get one of the homies to bring you, I got shit to deal with. But i'll see you when you get back."


For the first time in a long time I woke up early. Last night was a milestone for Cesar. I know it's fucked up but I cant have him walking around afraid for the rest of his life. He has to learn to hold his own or he wont survive. That's how shit works around here. I just wish Kindness knew that.

[Clara's pov]

Ruby basically begged me to attend Olivia's quince and I felt bad cause she's been through a lot with her parents getting deported so I said yes. Truthfully I haven't been feeling like myself lately. I cant stop thinking about what Spooky said and I can feel it eating away at me everyday. I think it's because a part of me knows that he's right. I am a pushover, I let people walk all over me because i'm trying to stay being nice. Is that how i'm gonna be remembered when I die?


"Mija, you have a visitor!" My dad yelled from the lounge and I stood up. Seconds later Jamal walked into my room holding flowers.
"Aww J! Are those for me?" I pouted at him as he gave me the bouquet.
"My dad said you were on sick leave... And we haven't talked in a while." He looked at me worriedly.
"Sorry. I just haven't been feeling like myself lately. But i'm fine now that my bestfriend is here!" I put the flowers down and gave him a hug. I really did miss him. I've been pretty lonely. But I have my pride to blame for that. He let out a sigh of relief before grabbing a piece of paper out of his pocket.
"Good, cause I really need your help with this hunt." I almost forgot about the RollerWorld hunt. The piece of paper had the lyrics to a nursery rhyme on it. The first couple of lines were crossed out leaving the last one.
"All fall down." I read and Jamal looked stumped. We sat around for a while trying to figure it out and then it hit me. That's the phrase Freeridge chants at every winning football game. "The field! Jamal! The field!" He stood up holding his head.
"Of course! Why didn't I think of that!" His face lit up and he started planning to dig up the school field tonight. But the quince's tonight?
"Aren't you going to the quince?" He looked down at his feet.
"We had a bit of a falling out." Something in the way he replied broke my heart. He was really defeated. Then he looked up at me again with a smile plastered on his face. "But you go and have fun... for the both of us!" And before I could say anything back he ran out of the room. I'm really gonna miss this kid.


Just a reminder i'm not a pro writer as you could probably see in all my mistakes lmao.
You might wanna loop the song if you like listening and reading at the same time. If not nevermind. Hope y'all are well!


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