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𝟚 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣

[Sad Eyes' pov]

"Alberto Jr Guzman if you don't put your other shoe on we're gonna be late!" I heard my wife call out from the hallway and my son came running into the lounge seconds after.
"Daddy!" He giggled as I picked him up and took him to his mom to put his shoe on. We were getting ready to go to Spooky's baby shower when there was a knock on the door. I gave AJ to his mom and went to the door but when I opened it there was nobody but a box on the floor. I looked around before I took the box inside.
"Bebé what is that?" My wife asked as I opened it. I smiled as I pulled out a pink care bear and showed her. At the bottom of the box was a silver cross necklace with a pink heart stone and tears filled my eyes.
"Why cwying?" AJ asked as he attempted to wipe away my tears causing me to smile. I showed him the necklace.
"This was your tia's" AJ grabbed the cross and kissed it which surprised both me and his mother.
"Te quiero hijo mio."

[Jamal's pov]

I got home after a long day at school. I picked up a couple more shifts this week because I needed the time consumers.
"Honey a package came for you!" My mom called out from the kitchen as soon as I walked in the house. I picked up the box from the dinner table and took it to my room. First I changed into my work shirt then I sat down and opened it up. It was a pink care bear. I smiled to myself and like a child I hugged the bear so tight. I noticed there was something else in the box. It was a familiar looking key. I had to think for a bit before I figured out what key it was. I ran out the house and sprinted my way to work. She knew how much I lived for a mystery.
"You're late." My dad said but I rushed straight past him to the storage room that we'd lost the key for a while ago. I turned the key and opened the door. Then I saw the pink bag that used belong to my best friend. I slowly unzipped the bag unsure of what could be inside. It was all the rolls of cash left from the RollerWorld money.
She never used her share.

[Oscar's pov]

Her family eats a lot man. I swear I been standing at the grill for the past two hours and they're still hungry.
"Hey hot stuff"
I felt someone's hand ruffle my hair. I put down my tongs to turn around and there she stood. The love of my life. My soon-to-be wife. The woman carrying my child.
"You're cute." I said as I walked over to her, placing my hands on her cheeks and planting a kiss on her lips. I moved my hands down to her baby bump and she placed her hands on mine. This woman really is beautiful.
"Any ideas on a name for her yet?" She caught me off guard with that question but I knew the answer.
" ...Clara." I said and immediately I felt a lump in my throat.
"I like it." she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Why that name?" She looked up at me with a smile.
"Reminds me of kindness... " I shrugged. " ...kindness saved my life." She smiled at me and gave me a kiss.
"I should go help my mom." She playfully rolled her eyes and gestured to the woman trying to move the baby gifts from one table to another. Who knows why.
"Hey someone dropped this off for you Oscar." Someone handed me a box. When I opened it there was a pink care bear inside and on top of it was a silver ring with four diamonds across the front. I watched a tear fall from my eye and land on the bear. It's like she's here. I looked around at the good people I was surrounded by. All standing in a sea of pink balloons and streamers. I can never get over this feeling. I feel alive. I genuinely feel good. I lifted my head to the blue skies and let my tears run down my cheeks. I need her to know how thankful I am.

"Thank you, Clara. You saved me."

[Third Person]

Alberto and his wife stood in each other's arms looking at their daughter's headstone. They moved out of Freeridge after she died to be closer to the cemetery she was buried at. The sunlight shone upon the silver text carved along the face of the stone, reflecting light. It was almost like it was reflecting light into the world. Something she did so well.
"I did what you said Care Bear. Oscar has the ring, Antonio has the necklace and Jamal has the key." Her father said as he and her mother walked forward and placed a hand on the top of the stone. Then they spotted an officer approaching them.
"Alberto Simerra?" The cop asked with a heavy american accent. Alberto nodded and they shook hands.
"Officer Hammel. I'm supposed to give you this." He handed them a box and left without saying anything more. The couple exchanged looks before opening up the box. Inside was an A4 notebook with a handwritten title that read: 'A Story About Kindness' and a subtitle that read: 'For the best parents ever <3'
The couple sat with their backs against her headstone as they began reading. Like they were reading with her. Each page came with a photo and a memory that they knew they'd never forget. The sun began to set behind them but the word continued to light up the world.

The word KINDNESS.



Lowkey sad that the story has come to an end... but thank y'all for reading🥺


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