Chapter Fifteen, The Halo On The Angel

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It was Ja..ja...

I saw jack in my doorway... THE JACKSEPTICEYE! I didn't know how to start conversation... "h-hey?" I questioned and also stuttered like an idiot, "oh hi! Are you... (Y/N) (L/N)?" Jack said as Luna and marks heads peeked through, Mark super happy and Luna happy but chill.

"Yeeeessssss?" I asked very confused on why and how he knew about me... "uh, well I don't know how to put this......" he dragged, "uuuuuhhhhhhh, I heard you dealing with... DONT HATE ME FOR SAYING THIS!" he screamed "uhhh-" Luna stopped him "jack just say what your trying to sayyyy" she said to him with the most serious face ever, she gave him a 'mom' face.

"Uh, are you dealing with a certain demon?" He asked rubbing the back of his head. "It matters... what's is 'the certain demons name?" I asked knowing who he was talking about, but didn't want to sound crazy.

"The name goes by, Antisepticeye..." he said as I could feel the dread off anti rising like heat. "Uh, maybe?" I said looking at him once again confused on how he knew about me, "I knew it." He muttered underneath his breath.

"Uh, would you like to come in?" Mark said confused on why me and seán were just standing in the door way like weirdos.

He nodded and we entered. When jack entered the house I felt antis hate grow larger. "So, Uh, why are you here?" I asked "oh yeah I was wondering if I could talk to Anti about something." He said looking around.

"Oh, sure uh I'll get him." I said going to my room and changing into some better clothes also trying to convince Anti not to kill jack when he does come out. I walked out and anti appeared putting his arm around me in a 'she's mine don't touch her' way.

I sat down and anti gave the deadliest glare in all history to jack, jack looked a little anxious.

Then as they started fighting I slipped from underneath antis arms, somehow he didn't notice me, and ran outside to I guess take a walk, Anti was using a lot of energy so a walk with fresh air was nice.

I sat on a bench in the park, then I got hit in the fucking head with a ball, A BALL. I was annoyed and I looked up to see what dick hit me.

A girl walked up to me and said "SORRY (Y/N) DIDNT SEE YA THERE" I was confused on why she knew me, then when my vision cleared I saw halo, an old friend and a gacha youtuber I actually liked her content, anyways back to her.

"Oh hey halo" I said rubbing the pain in my head from the ball. "Still playing volleyball?" I asked as she did hit me with a volleyball without warning.

"Yup" she nodded "who's the boyfriend?" She asked and I jumped to see dark sitting there, "Uh dark what are you doing here?" I whispered to him, "shhhh, antis coming and he does NOT look happy." He said as I saw a very pissed off anti storming towards us.

I speed walked to the bathroom dragging halo with me, she looked confused but rolled with it. "What was that about?" She asked very confused, "oh nothing I just saw a person I didn't like" I said slightly telling the truth but the rest of the 97% was lie.

I felt weak and tired, so I forced anti and dark to return. Halo looked hella confused, "I can explain come to my house let's sort this out so your not lost" I said leading us out of the bathroom, and into my house.

I explained everything I could on the way there, it was so lost I was confused! So when we got there jack looked angry but not as angry as anti.

Halo walked it and the second she saw an angry Irishman she had second thoughts, regretting her choices she sat down next to me, and we talked to jack and asked what the fuck happened.

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