Chapter sixteen, Hes Back............

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Then halo screamed... I couldn't believe my eyes...
(Y/N)'s POV
I walked in to see Luna's neck cracked 360 by mercy... I wanted to do something but I was being stopped by something... maybe someone...?

I turn over to see dark holding me back as anti hops in to fight him... just looking at Luna's body lay there sent chills down my spine...

I soon fell and cried as mercy and anti fought, Mark, markimoo and dark were comforting me as jack picked Luna up and brought her over, "S-she's still alive?" He stuttered in total shock.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, as Luna got put down on the floor anti had just finished mercy off and scared him off to only god knows where.

We quickly took Luna to the hospital and waited to see what would happen next...

We entered the room to see Luna laying there motionless and almost looking dead, but she had a heart beat and she was breathing... her neck had a cast around it,

A nurse walked in as me and jack both jumped at the same time, "It's a miracle that she's alive, she would have a 99.999% of not living but she took that 0.001% and will recover from her coma" she said in shock.

I walked up to luna and held her cold hand...

Luna's POV

I was in a dark place that slightly rang a bell, like I've entered here before, I walked around mindlessly hoping to figure ur where the hell I was...

I heard a voice from behind me say "glad to see you again, Luna" I then asked "w-who are you? And why d-do you know me?" There was no response except a chuckle...

Then after that skull crushing chuckle I was teleported into a maze that looked even more familiar... I then noticed where I was...

The maze of madness

I started to freak out cause I felt a presence that wasn't mine... I turned around to see it following me, I ran as fast as my legs could run...

It was faster then me... but I eventually lost it, I was scared and walking around aimlessly hoping to fine an exit

Every day was seconds... I was beginning to give up... each night I walked less and less till I just gave up all together...

One night I was sitting down beside a bush weeping because I would never see (Y/N), Mark, Markimoo, jack, anti or dark again...

I was hopeless and just crying, I was weak, useless and a waste of space... mercy then appeared and he scared me a little.

"Why aren't you moving?" He asked as I tried my best to avoid him.. "stop ignoring me you bitch!" He yelled at me and grabbed my shirt collar and dragged me... I felt like I was being choked...

He threw me against the sharp maze wall and asked again, "Why Aren't You Moving!?" This time more angered and annoyed... "I-I just don't know... I just w-want out!" I stuttered as he laughed,

"Out? Why would you want out?" "Uh... I miss (Y/N) and all my other friends back at home..." I managed to say still being terrified of his terribly stitched up body...

He just responded with a laugh and left, but that wasn't it...

About the 3rd week later of being in the maze of madness, I did start thinking I was losing my mind... I didn't want To move... in fear I would be spotted by that thing...

Then mercy appeared, "If I let you out..." he continued "then you have to do what I say, deal?" He held out his hand


The Heart Is A Mystery (Abandoned, old)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon