✯Chapter 18✯

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Two whole weeks after the confession, I finally decided to gather my courage and tell him how I felt. But first, I wanted to bake a cake for him. No, it wasn't his birthday or anything like that. In my mind, in case he got hurt by what I had to say, maybe the cake would ease the pain. It wasn't as if I was rejecting him, but I wanted to be careful. I couldn't forget how sensitive he was the moment he told me how he felt about me.

I was paying attention to the recipe and hadn't noticed Levi appear in the kitchen as well.

"Are you going to bake something?"

His deep voice almost gave me a heart attack for two main reasons. One, I was mumbling to myself that I wasn't a fan of baking, which was embarrassing. And two, his voice always had that effect on me, even if it was from a distance. And boy, when I looked at him, he was wearing a crisp black business suit that looked oh so amazing on him.

"Oh, hi," I said quickly, smiling nervously at him, "And yeah. I felt like doing something different today."

Levi placed his briefcase onto the kitchen table. He walked over to me, glancing curiously at what I was doing.

"Cake?" he asked.

"Cake," I answered, still smiling.

"What kind of cake?"

"It's a chocolate cake. Oh! I forgot to ask you if you have any allergies."

"I don't," he said, "Not to food anyway." He was now standing right beside me. "Mind if I help?"

I blushed a bit now. "Sure... But wearing that? You'll get your suit dirty."

"Yeah, you're right." He turned around and went to one of the kitchen drawers. He came back with an apron on. "Now I'm ready."

I giggled. "Sure you are. Do you like baking?"

"I've never baked anything before in my entire life," he said.

"Then this might probably not be a good idea."
"Why? You're a pro at cooking, aren't you?"

I shook my head. "It doesn't mean that I'm good at baking. I'm terrible at it. Usually I follow the instructions and it still comes out tasting like mud. But I'm going to do my best today. There's this recipe that I found that makes it seem pretty easy to follow."

We started by measuring all of the ingredients and throwing them together. When it came to breaking the eggs, I messed up and dropped egg shells into the bowl. I expected Levi to laugh at me, but when I glanced over at him he was just standing there staring at me with an amused smile on his face. I looked away from him quickly, trying to calm my poor heart down.

"Why do you think they want us to separate the wet ingredients from the dry ingredients?" I asked him to get my mind off my nervousness.

Levi shrugged. "I guess it may have something to do with the mixing process... I assume that mixing dry ingredients together with wet ingredients will make it more difficult for them to mix properly."

"That makes sense," I nodded.

It felt like it took an eternity to put the ingredients ready. Levi blended the wet ingredients, and I blended the dry ones. Obviously, I messed up again by spilling some of the flour onto the kitchen counters.

"S-sorry," I said, wishing a hole could just swallow me up right now.

"We can just clean it up later."

And just when he said that some of the cake batter spilled on his suit. The apron covered most of his suit, but his sleeves were still visible. And now one of his sleeves was white. My eyes widened. I turned the hand mixer off and quickly tried taking the flour off of him. Levi placed his free hand on mine to stop me.

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