✯Chapter 31✯

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For the next few days I just stayed in my room for the most part. I only left the room to prepare lunch for Levi and to go to the bathroom. Levi was such a sweetheart. He did everything for me. Although I was the one who cooked at lunchtime, he prepared breakfast and dinner. I didn't have much of an appetite, but he urged me to eat, so I did it for him.

I started missing Coraline so much. I kept reading our texts over and over again, and then I would read Terrence's text confirming that it was Coraline who was found dead at the old gas station. I was completely dried up from crying, but it didn't mean that I was healing. On the contrary, I felt like part of me had died along with Coraline.

Tina called me up a few times as well. She wanted to see how I was doing, but I still wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone who wasn't Levi. And of course, she couldn't visit us. So I let Levi answer the phone for me whenever she called. One of those times she called was to tell us about the funeral. After he was done talking to her, he handed me the phone.

"These things are a bit personal," he told me, "Maybe you should talk to her."

I picked up the phone slowly. But I didn't speak.
"Are you there Scar?" Tina asked.

"Yes," I answered quietly.

"How... have you been?"

"Terrible." I didn't want to lie to her. "You?"

"Pretty shitty," she admitted, "It's hard to believe she's gone."

I felt pain in my chest again. I shifted on my bed uncomfortably.

"Did you need anything?" I asked, wishing I could just get this conversation over and done with.

"Oh, yeah, uhm... The funeral is going to be next week on Tuesday. So in four days."

"Okay." My voice cracked. Tears were stinging my eyes.

"Uhm... Do you want to give a short speech about her?"

"No." I closed my eyes. "I can't."

"Oh. Well I just told Terrence the same thing." Tina paused for the longest time. "Scarlett, are you okay? I'm worried about you."

I held my phone out to Levi and mouthed for him to take it. I couldn't talk anymore. This was just too painful for me to deal with. There was no way Coraline could have died like that.


I was doing my third run around the park. The music blaring through my earphones was enough to pop my eardrums, but I needed it right now. This was the only way I could hold myself together. I felt like I was barely holding on to a thin thread of peace and sanity. Hearing Scarlett so upset over the phone just broke me even further. And crying just wasn't my thing.

I ran back up to reach my house again. Right before I got to my house, a car pulled up next to me. The tinted window rolled down just a bit. I slowed down, trying to see if I could see who was inside. A gloved hand threw something out of the window. Then the car raced away. I took my phone out and immediately wrote down the number plate of the car. The number plate was dark, but I had a good memory of things when it came down to it. Forgetting Oliver's name when Scarlet first met him was just pretend. I couldn't forget a guy like him.

When I looked down to see what the person threw onto the ground, I tripped and fell flat on my face. I groaned, but the pain wasn't important to me. I sat up and reached out to grab it.

It was a phone. Wasn't this... Coraline's phone?

I held the phone with the cracked screen and stared at it for the longest time. The phone was in terrible condition. But maybe there was still something we could do with it? With my phone in hand, I dialed Levi's number.

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