part fifteen

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hannah's pov

"hey douchbag you can't just throw your trash here," i scowled, "its called littering."

with my board under my arm i was approaching the water. that's when i saw a teenage boy throw a can onto the sand and so i decided to call him out. i was never shy about voicing my own opinions, especially when they involved the well-being of our planet.

"its called i don't fucking care," the boy said raising a middle finger in the air.

"cunt," i mumbled under my breath before reaching down to pick up the can myself. i laid my board down and turned around to throw the can in the trash bins.

once i had tossed it in i looked up to see a familiar tan girl, surfboard in hand, coming my way.

"hey that was pretty cool of you," kiara said as she approached me.

"are all teenage boys here ignorant littering assholes?" i smiled at her.

"mmmm most of them," she chuckled. "you going surfing?"

"yeah was just about to," i replied.

"mind if i joined you?" she questioned.

"not at all," i offered her a small smile before walking back to grab my board and following her into the water.

"i can't believe you're going surfing so soon after my accident," she said.

"i mean, gotta get back out sometime, mine as well not let it hold me back," i responded.

she nodded before letting her board drop into the water, me following her actions. as we paddled out deeper into the ocean i heard kiara's voice from next to me.

"so i heard about you and jj's night," she said, giggling.

"oh god," i groaned, "i'm so embarrassed but it was literally last resort, i didn't have any other option." 

"you are the last girl i expected him to let stay the night," she chuckled.

"we didn't-" i was quick to say but suddenly got cut off.

"oh no i know nothing like that happened," she smiled. "i think he likes you though," she said quietly.

"likes me?" i questioned in surprise with a scoff, "i'm pretty sure he hates my guts."

"that's just how he is," she sighed, "doesn't know how to properly show his emotions."

"even so i think you've got it wrong, there is no way he likes me," i said softly. she hummed in response and then turned around her board to catch a wave. i straddled my board as i watched her shred, letting my mind wander to what she had just said. there was no way jj liked me... right?

before i had any more time to ponder the question, a wave approached in the distance i began to paddle towards land, catching it right at its peak.

"damn girl you got moves," ki whistled and i giggled.

"so do you," i praised her as i hopped off my board once the wave had simmered.

we stayed in the ocean to watch the sunset, catching waves every now and then but mostly just lying on our boards and soaking in the sun. kiara only interrupted the peaceful silence once.

"you know..." she began, "he's a good guy."

"huh?" i questioned, confused on her abrupt statement.

"jj," she clarified, "he's a good guy."

i just hummed in response, slightly perplexed on why she had brought that up out of the blue.

we watched the sunset from our place a top our boards in the ocean and got out of the water before it began to get too dark.

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