part sixteen

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hannah's pov

"all i'm saying is that you need a job and i own a restaurant," kiara pressed.

when we had woken up in the morning kiara had told me she had a shift at the wreck and asked me if i wanted to come up. i happily obliged when she offered free breakfast.

however, while i was sitting at the counter just peacefully eating my pancakes, she decided then would be the perfect time to ask me to work there.

"kiara i couldn't ask you to hire me," i tried to reason, "i don't have any experience, and do you even need more waitresses?"

"fuck experience," she said making me chuckle. her dad scowled at her language as he wedged his way behind her with a large tray of food. i had been introduced to him this morning when i first came in with ki.

"anyways," she began, returning her attention to me, "we always need new waitresses... so what do you say?"

"kiara.." i whined.

"pleasseeee," she begged, "pretty please, pretty please with a ch-"

"okay, okay," i chuckled.

"great," she clapped her hands together and smiled, looking very pleased with herself. then she threw an apron in my face, "now get off your ass, no eating on the job."

"wait wait wait," i stopped her, "you want me to start now?"

"um yes," she said as if it was obvious, "now put that apron on and i'll teach you everything you need to know."

after hours of following kiara around, taking mental notes of how she did things, and watching food cook like paint dry, we were finally interrupted by the sound of two obnoxious teen boys entering the restaurant.

"hey ki, rea-" a familiar voice began behind me and i turned my head to spot the blonde boy. "oh no you did not," he said to ki as his eyes met mine.

"actually, yes, yes i did," she said happily, smirking proudly between the two of us.

jj immediately grabbed the girl's arm and dragged her to the back of the restaurant, stopping once they got to the door that led outside. i glanced at pope wearily as i tried to listen in on their conversation.

"it's like you're trying to torture me!" jj harshly whispered.

"yeah because you're like in love with her or something," kiara said rolling her eyes and making jj scoff.

"i am not in love with her!" he said in another harsh whisper before glancing over at me. i immediately turned my back to them, smiling at pope who only looked at me confused by my sudden actions.

"whatever you say lover boy," was the last thing i heard come out of kiara's mouth before i turned my full attention to pope.

"so whatcha up to today?" i asked him in, what was hopefully, the least awkward way possible.

"i think we're going out on the boat," he said.

"yup and you're coming with us," kiara's voice suddenly said behind us.

"i'm what?"

"she's what?" jj exasperated, following behind ki.

"she's coming with us," kiara stated, "on the boat."

"like hell she is," jj said beginning to follow ki behind the counter.

"boy if you come back here-" kiara's dad began to shout. jj backed away immediately, raising his hands in defeat.

the blonde stared at kiara with a deathly glare, but the girl was unwavering. he huffed in frustration, turning back to look at me.

"hannah i have some bikinis in my car, lets go grab them and change in the backroom," kiara said, grabbing my arm and pulling me with her.

"ki i really think-"

"nope, no excuses, i don't care about what jj says," she interrupted. i huffed in realization that nothing could change her mind today.

i accepted the bikini that she handed to me and followed her to a space where we could change. i slipped my t-shirt and shorts back over the bathing suit and walked out with ki to the dock. jj and pope were waiting for us, one of them not looking too happy.

"would it brighten you day if i told you i had your kind of juice boxes?" kiara said in a joking tone to jj.

"only thing that will make this bearable," he grumbled, accepting the beer that was tossed his way.

jj drove us out into the water before anchoring us down. he joined pope at the head of the boat while me and ki were in the back. she took off her shorts and shirt and lied down to soak in the sun.

"aren't you going to tan with me?" she asked. i took this as an invitation to strip down to my bikini and lie beside the girl. my head was turned to face her, away from the view of the two boys.

"i bet they're staring at you," kiara whispered. i grinned before putting a hand above my face to shield the sun and turn my head to look at the two.

i had in fact, caught them staring, but they immediately turned their heads towards other things in the distance, acting as if i hadn't.

"hey would you go grab me another beer," ki asked. i knew she knew what she was doing, the beers were in the front of the boat with jj.

i sighed before propping myself up and walking towards the blonde, he was standing at the very edge of the bow. he suddenly whipped around just as i was reaching for a beer in the cooler. he snatched it and held it up in the air before i could get my hands on it.

"not so fast kook," he smirked.

"jj," i sighed.

i stepped up towards him and he took another step back, holding the bottle above his head. that's when i realized if he took one more step back he would surely lose his footing and fall.

i bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling before taking another step towards him and sure enough, with one foot back, he splashed into the water.

i broke out into a fit of laughter, pope joining me too as he had watched the whole thing. kiara sat up from her place in the back and came over to see the commotion.

jj came up from the water with one shake of his head, the water from his hair spraying everywhere. he rolled his eyes with his mouth wide open, shocked.

"alright you win," he said, "now will you at least help me up." he reached out his hand towards me.

just as i got a good grip on it, he tugged his arm back, sending me flying in with him.

"jj!" i screamed as i came up from the water. i looked over to see him having a difficult time treading because he was laughing so hard.

i splashed him with water and laughed as he put a hand to his chest, scoffing to pretend he was offended. he splashed me right back and before i knew it we were in a full on war.

"alright lover birds get back into the boat before a shark eats you," a voice called to us from the boat. i looked up to see kiara with her arms crossed, a grin on her face as she reached out a hand to me.

"pull me in and i'll kill you," she said as i gripped on to her hand and she pulled me onto the boat.

pope did the same to jj and he threw us both towels so we could dry off.

"nice try princess," jj smirked before stalking back to the cooler and grabbing a beer. i just shook my head and tried to hide the stupid smile on my face.


author's note:
ik y'all want the kiss so bad but i just keep coming up with more ideas that need to be written before it!! so please be patient with me and a i promise it will come soon:)

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