Chapter 5

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"Oh my gosh there they are!" The Grand Duke panted coming upon the scene of the two children cuddling, sound asleep.

Blaine sat up slowly, being a light sleeper. He smiled brightly realizing they have been found and rescued. He then looks to where Sabrina has her head now on his lap. He found himself subconsciously smiling down at her. He even started to reach for her head to pat her awake, though it was short lived. Her left hand was scratched up. Her finger tips, under her nails, and her whole left palm was bloody from the rock. He widened his eyes in horror.

'She got her hand this scratched up? I'm an idiot, how could I have put her through that?' He thought to himself.

Victoria took this hesitation as a moment to push Sabrina off of him and jump into his embrace.

"Are you okay brother? She didn't do anything to you right?" She whined and looked up at him with teary eyes. She was seated on his lap with her arms wrapped around his neck.

"I'm fine." He grumbled not showing her attention and looking to Sabrina who had been picked up by her father.

"She's burning up!" He gasped with a hand on her forehead. She was bright red and was breathing heavily.

"Grand Duke?" A knight budged in.

"What is it?" He sighed. His eyes had bigger bags then before. One might think he was up all night.

"Take a look at her left hand." He said looking at the Grand Duke as if asking permission to grab a hold of her hand. He glared but it subsided quickly. He gave him a nod and the knight lifted her hand up. Swollen, red, bloody, bruised, and scabbed.

"We need to get her back and treat her hand, she could get a seriously infection." The knight frowned.

"I see. Hurry let's go back!" The Grand Duke commanded. Then Blaine did something incredibly out of ordinary for him, he pushed Victoria off of him and ran to grab the Grand Duke's sleeve.

"What is it Blaine?" He asked turning to him. Blaine got a good look at Sabrina. Her face was red and she was sweating buckets. She panted slightly and Blaine grew upset.

'This is my fault.' He mentally sighed.

"I-I am so sorry." Blaine bowed deeply to the Grand Duke.

"It's alright Blaine." He smiled softly. "Everything will be alright." He continued with his eyes mixed with worry and concern. He held his daughter's limp body closer to him and turned a heel to walk away again.

Victoria sat there on the ground looking upon the scene before her eyes. She brought her thumb to her mouth and chomped down on her nail. She held an angry look on her face, but then Blaine turned around and she quickly went back to normal.

"Let's go." He said coolly and walking away, not even waiting for her.


"You dunce!" Leo said grabbing the collars of Blaine's shirt. Leo was up in Blaine's face with an angry expression. The cheerful prince, no so cheerful anymore. Blaine stood there taking it before Leo let go.

"You could've gotten my fiancé killed." He glared and rubbed his golden hair before sitting down next to the bed where Sabrina laid.

"Fiancé?" Blaine suddenly croaked. He didn't know she was betrothed. For some odd reason he got a pang in his chest. He didn't like it and gripped the fabric covering his heart.

"Yes we are betrothed. If anyone hurts my fiancé." He laughed. "Then I won't let them live." Blaine shivered. His heart continued to pang. Leo looked at Blaine to see him gripping his heart and smirked.

Becoming the Villainess TwiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora