Chapter 13

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"Good, call the family doctor. Once the Grand Duke is awake we will ask for his side of the story too." He said calmly, giving Asher a side eye. Asher was pale, his eyes weren't as confidant anymore.

Two knights came in and dragged him off. While two more came in to get the Grand Duke.

Julius escorted Rowan and me into a different room. He told us he'd be right back as a maid came in and gave Rowan and I both blankets.

I wanted to change out of my bloody and torn dress, but decided to wait. Rowan still had my cloak around him and held it tight.

"D-did I do a good job?" Rowan looked to me with puppy dog eyes. I assume he's referring to his move where he jumped on Asher's back.

"No." I replied, only for Rowan to look dejected. I don't know why I went with that word choice...

"Why? I'll do better." He looked down at his lap.

"You could have gotten injured!" I sigh. I don't know why I didn't say that in the beginning, and went for the more hesitant approach, but I did.

"I'll need you to be a knight still, especially after that." I smiled, looking to him. His eyes brightened. "We might have to put that on hold for the time being though, you know, until this blows over."

This is moment Victoria and Blaine's mom is killed by the Grand Duke. Originally Sabrina doesn't go to the festival. Their mother takes the moment to hire an assassin to kill the Grand Duke and Sabrina. She thought if she did so that Blaine could become the Grand Duke, being the next heir, I guess.

In this case the assassin was Sir Asher. In the original story it fails miserably and that's why the mother and Asher is killed, but not before Asher is tortured for information that led back to their mother.

Blaine and Victoria were hurt knowing their mother was killed, even though she was at fault. I wonder if it will be the same way? Will Blaine learn time hate the Grand Duke like before. Can we ever truly escape the life we are meant to have? Am I truly heading towards the bad ending? No, I can't be, I haven't done anything wrong, besides almost cutting someone's leg off, but he had it coming...

Why this time? Why was the Grand Duke, my father, injured? It wasn't supposed to happen that way.

Why has this whole story in general changed? I'll admit I messed up quite a bit by speaking out of line. I'm not going to be some perfect villainess and go by the rules.

I am the heroine of my own life and I'm not going to live it by being compassionate. If you step out of line, it's only normal for punishment. In the moment the adrenaline pushed me right toward cutting Asher's leg. A normal heroine wouldn't do something like that. They'd be compassionate, maybe I am meant to be the villainess. I don't want to die again.

Rowan, why did I meet Rowan the way I met him? It's strange. I even avoided going to the slave market, but still ran into him. It's like the game is throwing the characters at me. It's like the game is saying 'Hey, Sabrina, stop messing up the story!'

"Sorry for the wait Princess." Julius said entering, snapping me from my jumbled thoughts. Julius was tall. He had tan skin and dark black hair. He was very good looking and he honestly looks like he'd be more reliable than Asher, but I guess Asher does have the classic 'hero' look to him.

"It's alright." I nodded.

"So Princess," He continued, sitting down, "Please tell me the side of your story."

So I did. I told him how when I got back It was eerily quiet, how I sent Victoria and Blaine to their rooms, though I knew they wouldn't be harmed. I told him how there was no one in sight, and how I entered the room. I told him my interactions with the Grand Duke. I told him Asher's intentions with me and our interactions.

The whole time he listened intently, writing down notes every so often. Finally I finished and he looked up as if he wanted to ask a question.

"You have a question. What is it?" I tilted my head.

"Hm, yes, where did he come from?" He motioned to Rowan who I almost forgot was there. He was quiet and still.

"He was from a slave market." I said seriously. Julius was impassive but wrote quickly.

"He saved me from Asher, Sir Julius, I'd like to ask you to take him under your wing." Julius emotions showed through for a short amount of time. He was surprised, but nodded.

My mind wondered why and how he accepted so easily but I really shouldn't push it.

"Did you get a look at anyone running the slave market?" He asked, looking down and jotting some things down.

I told him about the burly men with the tattoos and piercings and the one that looked like a pirate, though I didn't use that word.

When I was done explaining, I watched the jaw of Sir Julius clench.

"I'll be frank with you Princess, I believe you." Julius said in a calm tone.

"Huh?" I gasp.

"Things he claimed just didn't add up." He stood up, grabbing his things. "A maid will come to get the young miss, but this young boy will have to come with me." He said coldly.

Rowan grabbed the hem of my dress and looked to me pleadingly.

"It's okay, he's a good guy." I smiled slightly, furrowing my brows. Rowan let go hesitantly and nodded, before following Julius out of the room.

Sorry for the short and uneventful chapter

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