chapter 11

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Working as Alexis' assistant was as bad as I'd thought it would be. I had to make his schedule, make sure he attended his meetings, bring his coffee. Never forget the coffee.

But I could safely say that I liked working in the office much more than working at the house.

On the plus side, I haven't seen Noah or Jill yet. Didn't even hear their names in the conversations I heard because I was too nervous to make small talk.

The only person I'd talked to yet was Tracy Parrish.

She was the sweetheart who had helped me the day I first stepped foot on this place. The day I had probably caught Noah cheating but was too naïve and trusting to believe my eyes. Instead, I believed the lies he fed me.

My little office was outside Alexis' office where I currently sat, going through some files.

A sound came signaling a call from my boss.

'Can I have you in my office right now?' Alexis asked, his voice impeccably professional.

I straightened my pencil skirt and went inside.

His head was bent over a file and he didn't look up when I came.

'You wanted me, Sir?' I asked.

He looked up at me, leaning back in his chair. I felt his stare sweep through my figure and I looked away bashfully. Dammit, why do I get shy around him?

'I must say, office suits you,' he remarked.

I cleared my throat. 'You have work for me, Sir?' I asked kindly, wanting to be out of his sight as soon as possible before awkwardness overtook me and my actions became mechanical.

'As a matter of fact, I do, Miss Nolan,' he said and stood up. He moved with so much grace, it was hard to keep my eyes off him.

He rounded the table and leaned against it, facing me. I stood a few feet away from him, totally rigid.

'Where would you like to go tonight?' he asked as if we were discussing a business deal.

'Huh?' I asked, blinking.

'Is there something in your eyes, Miss Nolan?' he asked. His lips twitched, but it could be my imagination because Alexis Craven did not do smiles.

'Uh no,' I shook my head.

'Then stop blinking,' he said. He crossed his arms over his chest, the white shirt he wore stretching over his muscles.

I opened my eyes wide to stop blinking. 'Stop doing that too,' he rolled his eyes.

Act normal!

I averted my eyes and let out a breath.

'Look at me,' he ordered. The authority in his voice made me snap my eyes up to meet his. I might be wrong, but there was a glint in them I hadn't seen before.

I tried not to open my eyes too big, blink or squint.

'Stop twitching your eyes,' he said.

'Stop telling me what to do with my eyes!' I snapped when my frustration went beyond my control. I instantly shut my mouth.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

'I'm sorry,' I muttered looking down again. I couldn't believe I yelled at my boss. On the first day of work. Just what I needed.

I sensed movement from my downcast eyes. He had crossed his ankles while leaning.

'You didn't answer my question,' he prompted.

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