chapter 26

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a/n - Warning - this chapter contains gore.
Also, this is the second last chapter. I hope you're enjoying this story! Do you have questions about the story or characters? Should I do a Q/A? Tell me in the comments!

When I came to, I found myself unable to move my arms or legs. Even my body was fucking tied to the chair. Darkness surrounded me.

A light bulb flicked on over my head and I realized I was in a basement. It was dark with unpainted walls. Dingy would be a better word to describe it. Only the area in my vicinity was lightened, the corners of the large hall type basement were shadowed.

Footsteps came closer and I braced myself for whatever was coming.

My mind went to Sarah bleeding on the floor. God, I hope she's fine.

'Aren't you all grown up, Daddy's little girl?' a voice cooed. A man emerged from the shadowed.

I had expected him to look shabby with an unkempt beard or something. But he looked perfectly normal. I wouldn't have given him another glance if I saw him walking on the streets. Maybe I did pass him by on the streets and never knew. Maybe that was how murderers looked. Normal. Like us.

I wouldn't have recognized him if I had seen him somewhere else. But right now, standing on the mouth of death, I knew exactly who he was. This couldn't be possible.

'You... You are,' I started then shook my head. 'You cannot be him,' I said, my voice breaking at the end. He looked the same with the addition of a couple wrinkles on his face.

He clucked his tongue and circled my chair. I saw something glinting from the pocket of his jeans. I gulped when I realized what it was. Was he going to cut me as I'd seen in the movies?

He stopped in front of me and bent his knees to be face to face with me. He trailed his finger down the side of my face and I cringed, leaning away from him.

'You look so much like your mother,' he said.

He dug his fingers into my chin and forced me to look at me.

'Tell me, are you a whore like her?' he asked jovially, a sinister grin on his face.

I didn't say anything, trying to keep myself from whimpering from the pain he was causing.

He pushed my head back and started strolling in front of me. My eyes followed his every move. I wasn't going down without a fight.

'Listen, kid-' he paused, shook his head. 'Oh, you're not a little girl anymore. Not a Daddy's little girl,' he faked a pout, looking at me. Mocking me.

I just glared at him. Why bother cowering when that wasn't going to help me at all.

'You need to talk to me, Piera. Daddy's missed her little girl, you know. I need to listen to your voice,' he crooned, frowning at me.

'You're not my father,' I gritted through my teeth. 'You're a monster!'

He came in front of me so fast, I didn't have time to react.

'Oh no, no, no. You've got it all wrong, sweetheart. I think you still don't remember your loving Daddy,' he said, grabbing my bound hands.

'I don't need to remember anything to know that you're nothing but a psychotic monster who kills people,' I said, trying to keep the tremble away from my voice.

How many people found out that their parent was alive only to know later that they were a bloodthirsty serial killer?

And I thought Alexis had daddy issues.

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