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Ayyo everyone!!!!!

You know who is beautiful.Read the first word of this sentence.❤❤

Let's go on with it,shall we?!!

Taehyung's pov

After the 11 no almost 12 hour flight from America we finally arrived in Seoul.I won't say that I don't miss America,cuz I do and that too very badly.But Mom and Dad also missed Seoul and their people here,so we are back.

If they are happy,then I'm happy too.
I love them so much.

Dad told us that the alpha's son will be coming to pick us so we are waiting for him outside the airport.

"Hello!!!I'm Jung Hoseok future alpha of the Crimson Pack and the head alpha's son"a man came to us and said.
It seemed that mom and dad knew him cuz they immediately recognized him.

"Our Hoseokie has grown so big and responsible,hasn't he Channie"???

"Yes,my love the last time we saw him he was around 5 years old and look at him now"

They started a convo and soon I heard myself being called.

"Taetae baby come say Hi to hoseok!!!"

"Hello Hyung I'm Kim Taehyung and I'm 19 years old.Nice to meet you"I said and presented my hand for a handshake.

He smiled at me and I swear I could literally feel the sun shining at me.
He took my hand for a handshake and held it firmly.He was good looking and was built too.

"Nice to meet you too Tae and welcome to Seoul!!"he said.I can say I like him cuz he has this positive vibes emitting from him and this makes me feel comfortable.

After that we went in his car to our new house.

Mom and Dad have akready brought a house.It looked warm and cozy from the outside and was enough for three people.

Now our house was not in the Crimson Pack,it was at a walkable distance.

My parents were still apprehensive that I won't feel comfortable living around the wolves,so a little distance will be good.And I was more than okay with this.

Hoseok Hyung left us at our house and invited us to visit the pack the next day.We cannot go there now since it was night and we were tired from the flight.

The next day......

We had breakfast early in the morning.And after that we went to visit the pack.

I saw Hoseok Hyung standing at the border and ran to give him a hug.
He hugged me tightly and then greeted my parents.

We went inside to meet the head alpha and everyone else.
The people were nice to us.
They were asking my parents about our life in America and all.

So Hoseok Hyung pulled me aside from their convo and lead me to meet his friends.

I saw many werewolves training and just looked at them astonishingly.
The alpha who was training them called for a break and then I saw some of them coming towards me and Hoseok Hyung.

I came to know their names Bogum,Suho,Seojoon,Hyungsik,Jihan and Wooshik.They all were older so I called them Hyung.
I also met some noonas~Jennie,Lisa,Jisoo,Rose,Irene.They called me cute and pinched my cheeks.

All of them studied in Seoul University too and I was happy because I will have someone whom I know not completely alone.

They went back to training and Hoseok Hyung also went as he had some work.I was just looking around and then I saw a couple sitting together.

They both looked so good together and so in love.I felt happy for them and on the inside I wanted someone to look at me like they look at each other.

I also saw young pups practicing how to shift and for a moment I wished I was a werewolf too.

We left the place after having lunch and they promised me to see tomorrow in the uni.

My mind was completely filled with thoughts like how my life would have been different if I was a wolf too and I would also have a mate.I was thinking about this only.

In the evening I decided to take a walk to clear my mind.After informing my parents I went to the backside of our house.

All you could see was trees.I chose this place because I wanted to be alone for some time and what better way to do it than getting closer to nature.

So I went on in the forest and soon I found a lake and I sat by it.Relaxing and enjoying the view in front of me.

Jungkook's pov

I was sitting with my hyungs and they were all talking about how we are going to college tomorrow.

Mostly Jimin was talking and Jin Hyung just listened to him and added few things.
Yoongi Hyung was sleeping and Namjoon hyung was in the office doing work.

I found it the perfect chance to go for a run.I haven't done that in a while and my wolf Jk since yesterday had become restless.

I guess it wants to come out so I informed them and went to run.

I shifted in my big black wolf and allowed Jk to take control.
He was going to a place I was too familiar with.

It was a forest near the borders of Crimson Pack but it wasn't owned by them so anyone was allowed there.

Few years back I was running and had found a beautiful lake there.There was something about the place which comforted me and helped me relax.
So I went there often to clear my mind.

I could feel the wind passing by as I ran towards the lake.

I was going on when suddenly.......

Suddenly I smelled something.It was so enchanting and nothing like I have ever smelled.
The scent was pulling me towards it.I followed it and...
There I saw the owner of the smell.

A guy sitting with his back to me in front of the lake.

I feel my senses became heightened and my heart beat becoming faster than ever.

I could not believe what I was seeing.no it can't happen not after all these years.no no no.I was yelling in my mind.

I was tempted to go to him and claim him and mark him and make him mine because there he was....Mate my mate....

A/n~so guys any guesses who could be Jungkook's mate???

I guess you all know.

Also I busted my lip yesterday.There was a thunderstorm in our place yesterday night and when the lightning stuck I became so afraid that I bit my lip really hard it started bleeding and got swelled and I'm in pain now.

Plz vote if you liked the chapter

Thankyou so much for reading💜💜

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