Chapter 17 - Electrifying

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"I imagine there'd be elections

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"I imagine there'd be elections. But how would we prevent hundreds of people running?" Islo asked and frowned at my notes.

We were moving forward on future plans for how we were gonna run our country. We had outlined how many representatives we wanted from each country. Three from each. And then two from Andaheim, including me. And I'd be impartial. I'd still be a part of our little government, but I wouldn't make decisions based on my own opinions or intentions.

"Maybe there needs to be some sort of requirement," I muttered and tapped my pen on the table.

"It can't be based on education. Some won't have had access to it. But maybe they need to have smaller elections? Maybe they need to put down small governments in their own tribes. And from those there will be chosen representatives who go to Andaheim."

"Do you think they'd be up for being self-governed?" I looked up and met his gaze.

"Yes. They've asked for this for years. If we do this, it'll revolutionise the whole nation. I also think you as the king should sign the laws, still. We can't just absolve you of all responsibility."

I nodded. "I know."

"The country needs a monarch right now." He put his hand on top of mine. "And you're already a wonderful king, Quinn."

"Thank you. I wouldn't be anything without you." I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the next thing. "Is there any news? Of the plans?"

"No, not yet. They've just told us to be ready for when they come."

"Did... Did you hear Dreki? He said there'd be raids on the supply convoys."

"It's probably them. They wanna cut off Andaheim and they're in the best position to do so. No one knows Aatskina country like the Aatskina people.

"I guess that's smart. But how much longer?"
"Be patient, Sweetness. It'll happen when it happens." He leaned in and kissed my temple. "And they'll get us out of here. You, me and Isla. And we'll retake the country. Together."
I smiled and nodded. "I like the sound of that. And I'll see Al."

"And you'll see your sister. Talk to her too."

"I can't wait."


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