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This is for @ggracev19. It takes place durning school hours. This ship isn't in the actual story but just in this spin off of the story. You need to know that it correlates with my Henry Danger Crossover. All you need to know for this is it's a Kid Danger and Spider-Man Crossover.

Third POV
It was Henry's second day of the new school. He is meeting Peter's friend group and is pretty excited.

Time skip brought to you by my self doubt
Henry finds his tray and sits down at the table Peter directed him to. They start talking then this girl starts talking.
MJ: Hey loser.
Peter blushes a bit.
Peter: Hey MJ.
Henry POV
She pulls out a book. I guess her name is MJ. As if she was reading my mind she starts talking.
MJ: I'm Michelle but my friends call me MJ.
Henry: Hi MJ I'm Henry.
MJ: Okay.
Our table starts talking and I notice when MJ occasionally adds some commentary Peter blushes. I know what's going on.

Time Skip due to my procrastination
We're walking to May's apartment. And I decide to ask him about it.
Henry:  So... you like MJ?
Peter: What?! No?!
Henry:*with sarcasm* Yeah right.
Peter: Maybe? Okay. Fine. I do have a crush on MJ. (I was listening to Six, Don't Lose Ur Head and I almost typed Henry because of the lyric ' Our only hope was Henry.')
Henry: So ask her on a date.
Peter: Okay. Should we go to a movie?
Henry: I like that idea. You could do a horror movie and you could do what the dudes in the movies do.
Peter: MJ wouldn't fall for that...
Henry: You could take her to a sob story movie what's it called ummm chick flick? I don't know.
Peter: MJ wouldn't find it very sad. Her emotions are unique,special and different.
Henry: Geez you like her a lot. I have an idea...

Third POV
Time skip to next lunch brought to you by my lack of motivation
Peter walked up to MJ. Henry dragged Ned to a different table before he could unintentionally ruin something.
Peter: Hey MJ. I have something to tell you...
MJ: You're Spider-Man?
Peter: What?! No!
MJ: Mmh. What is it then loser?
Peter's face is bright red.
Peter: Will you go on a date with me?
MJ: Sure. 7pm this Friday don't be late.
Peter: O-Okay.
MJ walks off seconds before the bell.

Time skip brought to you by three more things I need to update
(After the date. This is going be looking back cause I'm lazy)
They saw a DC movie and laughed hard at how ridiculously clueless the characters were. Like how did anyone not know who half of them were? (No hate my dudes, I respect your opinion about DC and don't mean to attack or make them seem unimportant.)
Peter walked MJ home. They're conversation went along the lines of:
Peter: I had a really nice time.
MJ: Me too.
Peter: * The way Peter gets awkward and adorable at the same time* Umm... yea... Goodnight. Unless you still want to talk, then I can stay. Unless you don't-
MJ: Shut up and kiss me loser.
And he did.

This was bad and I apologize. But I hoped it satisfied you a bit. *awkwardly leaves*

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