XXII: We're going to Spain!

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I heard my phone ring and I groaned burying my head into the pillow. Who the hell is calling at this ungodly time? The phone continued to ring eating my head!

Someone's got a death wish!

I took the phone from the night stand and answered the call not checking the ID.

"What?" I asked frustrated about ruining my beauty sleep.

"Miss Walker! Be ready in half an hour were going to Spain" he barked before hanging up.

What was that?

Who's voice was that? It sounded familiar! Who cares I shrugged keeping the phone back.

I'm so sleepy, I closed my eyes and dozed off.

I felt someone shaking me, I groaned and tried to pull the sheets up only to be ripped off from me. The cold air caused me to shudder. I wrapped my arms around me keeping myself warm.

"Athi!! Wake up!" I heard my name, it was Ruby's voice but I'm not going to listen to her.

"Let me sleep" I whined like a baby, snuggling deep into the fluffy pillow.

After some time the shaking stopped and I sighed in relief. Suddenly I felt a cold splash on my face causing me to jump out of the bed, falling during the process.

Ouch! I got up and rubbed my aching bum. "What was that for ?" I glared at Ruby, who stood there holding a bucket.

"If I wouldn't do that then someone would've come and taken you forcefully" she yelled, glaring back

"Take me?" I frowned, for what?

"Go change your boss is waiting" she said going out of my room.

So it wasn't a dream? Oh no! I rushed to he bathroom and took a two minute shower before changing into black jeans and light pink hoodie. I let my hair loose and applied some cold cream to my face.

Then I realised I didn't pack anything. I walked towards my bed and noticed a suitcase. " It's packed let's go" I heard ruby's voice behind me.

I gave her a smile, I'm so grateful for her " Thank youuu!!" I hollered over my shoulder

I took the suitcase and went downstairs to the exit. I noticed a black range rover parked at the front. Ethan took my suitcase and I opened the door, climbing in quietly. I saw Zephyr sitting at the corner, talking on phone. He was wearing black dress pants and white shirt with the top two buttons undone.

Damn! This guy is hot!

I looked away and plugged my ear phones listening to music. Ethan climbed in and started driving.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the seat, relaxing to the soothing music.

I felt the the my ear phone being removed forcefully. I glared at the suspect "What?" I snapped, Zephyr had a frown on his face, he had bags under his eyes, his eyes lacked the usual fierceness.

He looked tired and stressed. Which is new to me!

"Why were you late?" He asked ignoring me, surprisingly not as harshly as I expected. I thought he would kill me for not listening to him.

"Umm...I wasn't able to get what you said" I looked at my folded hand and played with my charm bracelet.

"Next time I won't be this cordial"

codial? my face. This is what's called as commanding, ordering and all the synonyms of it mister.

I bit my tongue from retorting something stupid "Yes sir"

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