9- The Sallie House

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** Hi guys! I hope you're all enjoying this story so far. I'm actually going back now and changing it to an Original Character fic rather than a reader insert. I feel like it just fits the story I'm trying to write better. I'm really sorry if this effects it for you guys, I know that reader inserts feel more inclusive but I wanted to do some social media aspects and for that I need a general idea of a character. I wouldn't want to assign a look or anything to you that isn't who you are or doesn't feel right, so I felt better doing an original character... her name is Sophie McCarthy! (How do you guys like the name? It took me a minute to pick one lol) I hope you can still enjoy! Feel free to leave feedback :)

We wake up pretty early, despite how late we were up last night, but our flight is at 9 so we have to be up and ready to go to the airport by 7:30 to leave extra time. We hurry to pack our bags and get an Uber to the airport.

We're sitting at the terminal waiting for our flight when we hear a chime over the intercom,

"Flight 402 with service to Kansas City will be delayed until further notice due to inclement weather. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation." The flight attendant says at the boarding podium. I can feel everyone at the boarding gate give a collective sigh.

"Until further notice?" Ryan groans, "what the fuck does that mean." 

"No biggie, Sophie and I have experience waiting out flight delays," Shane says, nudging me with his elbow. I laugh,

"Doesn't mean I want to do it again," I say, Ryan laughs.

"What are you talking about! That delayed flight was the best thing that's ever happened to you, you met me because of it." Shane winks and I roll my eyes.

"You know your ego doesn't have to be as big as your head right?" I ask and Shane's jaw drops, Ryan breaks out into laughter.

"Ooh man, that's gotta hurt a little." He says and Shane scoffs,

"Excuse me..." he can't seem to think of anything to say and Ryan and I burst into laughter again, Shane eventually joins in until we realize our happiness is annoying all the disgruntled people around us and we quiet down.

"I'm gonna go see how long 'until further notice' means," Ryan says, getting up and heading over to the flight attendant.

I lean my head against Shane's shoulder and feel him laugh lightly, he leans his head on mine.

"I've got Deja Vu," I say. I feel Shane nod against my head.

"Merry Christmas," he says and I laugh. So maybe that delayed flight on Christmas Eve wasn't THE best thing that's ever happened to me, but it's definitely top 5 and slowly making its way up the list...

"Ok the flight attendant says that the weather in Kansas City is meant to clear up in a few hours, they just don't want to make any promises yet because it's not a guarantee, but it's looking like at least a two-hour delay," Ryan says, walking back to us.

"That's not too bad, it's just gonna get us to the house a little later than we hoped," I say, the flight was meant to leave at 9 which would get us to Kansas City by 3, and then we'd drive to the Sallie house and be there by 4. Unfortunately with the delay, it's looking like we won't get there till 7 at the earliest.

Shane picks up his head, "that paranormal guy helping us out wasn't supposed to come by until 6 anyways,  we'll just let him know our flight got delayed." Shane says. Ryan nods and sits down next to me.

"I'll text Devon." He grumbles, the delay isn't that bad but I think he's just feeling worse and worse as we get closer and closer to the "demon house" as he calls it.

Connecting the Dots (Shane Madej x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ